Elodie: Introduction to My Terrible Life. I Hope I Wrote It Okay...

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There was once a world where I was the leader. Where I was the ruler, and everything went my way.

Pfft. That was only a daydream I had yesterday. Ha, I love daydreaming. It lets me be who I want to be and not... what I am now.

That makes me sad. Comparing my daydream self to my real self. I'm never going to have super awesome laser beams that shoot out of my eyes or glowing blue wings made of energy. I'm never going to be a Jedi or save the galaxy or even my home planet of Naboo. Wow, my life is boring. But who cares, am I right?

Sorry, that made me sound like a huge pessimist. I'm working on that, but it doesn't seem to want to work with me. My mother says I need to work on it too, and that infuriates me. Probably because I know it's true.

But there were some things that I could be optimistic about. Like the upcoming trip to Coruscant. The entire seventh grade is going to Coruscant to watch a Senatorial debate live. Now that, my friend, is exciting. Most of my peers were only excited because they were going to the shining Corusca City and they might meet some dashing man who would sweep them off their feet, but not me. I couldn't wait to see the Senate in action. I didn't always want to be politically active. In fact, when I was little, I wanted to be a princess. I wasn't okay with the idea of marrying a prince, though. That was one part of the whole princess dream that ruined it for me. Who wants to sit on the side while some guy gets to rule a kingdom? Not me.

"Elodie! Wake up!" Momma yelled. I opened my eyes. I did not want to get out of bed. One, it was cold. Two, I had to go to school. Three, I did not want to go to school. Four, just no. But then there was the field trip that I did want to go on... okay, fine. I'll get up. Only because I really want to go on that field trip. I kicked off the covers and stretched. I wasn't super tall, but I wasn't super short either. I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I picked out a navy and cream striped dress to wear. I yawned again and went out of the room to see if the bathroom was open. It wasn't. My sister, Miara, was in the bathroom, singing. She was probably having a makeshift concert again. I groaned. Normally, I'd let it slide, but today I need to get into that bathroom.

"Miara, come on! Let me in!" I yelled, banging on the door.

"Ellie! You're ruining my concert!" Miara grumped, opening the door. The hairbrush was still in her hand.

"I'll be out in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can eat my waffle." I told her, ruffling her brown hair. She wrinkled her nose at me. I resisted the urge to laugh, closed the door, and started to get ready. I brushed the knots out of my blonde hair and left it as it was, which was to say down. I brushed my teeth, put on the deodorant, put on the dress and undershorts, and looked at myself in the mirror. I shrugged. I looked nicer than usual, which was to say okay. I took in my paler skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. I'd realized that I looked different from all the other kids when I was around the age of eight. They weren't as fair as I was, and by fair, I mean light. Not pretty, but my mom says I'm pretty. I say, whatever. I kind of wish I wasn't so 'pretty' so that some of the kids would leave me alone. Mom says that the guys who taunt me 'like' me. I have to resist the urge to groan and roll my eyes. Are all parents like this? I don't want those boys to like me. I'm perfectly fine on my own, reading and keeping up with the latest news stories. Sometimes I wish that I'd find some hole in the ground or a portal that would take me to someplace where I could have people that understood me and treated me as an equal. If there was one thing I hated, it was being labeled as a child, someone too young to be talked to about politics and other things too delicate for my little ears to hear. I could hold my own in a debate and I proved that in my Civics class. I couldn't wait to go to Coruscant. Now that was something that I actually wanted to do. I ran out of the bathroom and back to my room, grabbing a pair of flats. I sat down and untied them, putting on my socks. I put the shoes on and then retied them.

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