Elodie: Don't Mess with Mandalorians

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Palpatine walked by me yesterday. I was busy hiding my stolen fruits in my jacket when he passed by. Apparently, he hits the city sometimes. I hope he's never around when I'm up there. More of for his good than my own. I was back at the hospital, hanging out with Vri, Sunder, and Sorcyy. 

"Did it ever occur to you to get a job?" Sunder asked after I'd told them what happened with Palpatine and I the other day. Lucky for me, he hadn't looked at me. He might have recognized me if he did. 

"cacwoc shhucao ra orahwa anahorwo huc, chuwhwaworc." Sorcyy growled. She's just a kid like us, Sunder.

"And we can't just walk up and ask for a job." Vri added, arms folded. 

"What about Gwen?" Sunder asked. The four of us looked at each other. Gwen getting a job was a perfectly logical idea. She was old enough and she knew how to handle herself. 

"I'll talk to her as soon as I get back." I said.

"It's a great idea. Then you two can get a place to live." Vri said. Sorcyy rumbled in agreement. 

" rhwo crawwwo, wwrcahwowhwa woanoowaahwo." Sorcyy said. Be safe, friend Elodie.

"I will." I said. 

"We'll walk you out." Vri said. 

"No, no it's okay." I protested. They all stood up. 

"We're walking you out whether you like it or not." Sunder said, arms folded. We walked down the paint-covered hallways, marveling at all the artwork.

"So, Elodie." Vri said, using a cane to balance herself. 

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to her.

"How long has it been since you've gotten a cup of Jawa juice with a couple of friends?" 

I thought for a moment. Then I realized something. I never had. I'd closed myself off so that I didn't get hurt. When I did that, I shut out all my friends and people who were nice to me. I looked at Vri, Sorcyy, and Sunder. "What's it like?" I asked. Vri gasped.

"You've never hung out with friends?! What are your parents, nutso?" Vri exclaimed.

"Even my parents aren't that insane." Sunder said. 

"ohworcwo aoraorahwhrr rooohu aooo acrawhrr oohuao rawhwa acrahowo cooscwo shhuahoawo aoooscoorcrcoooh." Sorcyy said. We're taking you to hang out have some juice tomorrow.

"You guys would do that for me?" I asked, eyes stinging. 

"Duh. We're your friends." Vri said, elbowing me. I hugged them. How I hugged all of them, I have no idea. Don't ask me because I don't know.

"Elodie, you're my sis." Sunder said, patting my shoulder. "You mean the world to us."

"Sistah-sistah." Vri said, raising her fist for a fist bump. I obliged, laughing when she imitated  an explosion noise. Sorcyy growled and hugged me. I said my goodbyes and walked out, looking around the city for job openings as I went. I picked up a few flyers to show Gwen later. 

"Wait, Elodie?!" a voice said. I whirled around. There was Corey, looking at me with surprise on his face. A group of boys was behind him. They looked like terrible people to me, with their scowls and clenched fists. 

"Hey Corey. What's up?" I said, trying to act cool so I wouldn't jeopardize Corey's friendship with these idiots. 

"Nothing much. The usual." Corey said casually, shrugging.

"Who's this, your girlfriend?" the lead boy said. I fixed him with my glare of daggers. 

"I wasn't talking to you, stupidhead." I said, turning back to Corey. "Anyway, what're you doing here?"

"My grandma is making me look at clothes for school." Corey said, rolling his eyes. I could tell this was all an act. "What're you doing here?"

"I was visiting a few of my friends." I told him, job flyers clenched tightly in my fist. My other hand was free and ready to punch people. 

"Cool." Corey said, a bit of the real him shining through. 

"I'll bet her friends are imaginary," one of the leader's cronies guffawed. 

"I'll bet you don't know how to write an essay correctly. What grade are you in, anyway? Wait, don't tell me. It's first grade, isn't it?" I said icily. I went back to my conversation with Corey. "I'm looking at potential job openings for my sister."

"Tell her there's an opening for an intern at a law firm. It's over by the hospital." Corey suggested, pointing to the hospital. 

"Thanks, Corey. I'll be sure to tell her." I said. 

"I'll bet your mom is a deadbeat druggie," the lead boy said to me. His evil smile and those words made me snap. As mad as I was at Momby, I will not let anyone insult her like that. I punched the boy in the face. He landed on his back, sprawled out and nose bleeding. 

"Anyone else like to insult my family?" I yelled, ready for everything they threw at me. The rest of the boys looked at me in shock. 

"Get her!" the leader screamed. 

"Run." Corey said, tugging my hand. I yanked it away. 

"Tor!" I yelled, charging. Justice will be served. On a plate of bruises, blood, and glory. I punched, kicked, and bit. Someone nailed me in the stomach. I doubled over, abdomen racked with pain. 

"Surrender, weakling?" the leader said, wiping blood off his face.

"Never." I spat, attacking. His bones are weak. I broke his shin with a swift kick. He rolled on the ground, howling in pain. His goons had no idea what to do. Fortunately, I did. 

"C'mon, Corey. Let's go." I said, turning on my heel and walking away. I stopped and turned around. Corey was kneeling by the leader's side. He saw me watching and hurried over to me. He smiled sheepishly and said, "Had to check for injuries."

That's his excuse? Really? 

I decided to let it slide so he'd think he had me fooled with dumb see-through excuses. "What happened to your grandma?" I asked.

"She's over by that shop. See you around, Elodie." Corey said, running off. Fine. If that's how he wants to be, whatever. I made my way back to my alley. 

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