Korkie Kryze: Oh No.

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There was no other way to put it. Oh no was the only thing that went through his mind as he scrolled through the newsfeeds. It was like the Jedi Temple had exploded, because everyone would know about that. 

"Shut it off!" Lagos whispered. Korkie didn't have the heart to shut the thing off. Lucy chucked the remote at the holoimage of the Twi'Lek boy. 

"Heck you!" Lucy yelled, getting creative with the strict no cursing  policy. "Heck you, you little piece of burnt plastic!" 

Then she buried her face in her pillow and sobbed. 

"We have our answer now," Soniee said, ghost white. Korkie was deep in thought.


Elodie Shoshina.

Elodie Starchild. 

Elodie Kenobi. 

Elodie Kenobi-Kryze.

Elodie Kryze.

This whole time, she'd been there and he hadn't suspected a thing. Not one thing. 

"We know where  she is," Amis pointed out.

"Yeah, but now so do all our enemies," Korkie said, thinking of his other aunt and Death Watch. Elodie was in danger. His.... Duchess Satine was in danger.

But most important, the girl—his cousin—he was coming to love like a sister was in danger. 

Duchess Satine? Korkie didn't care a whole lot. He knew she could fend for herself. She had her boyfriend after all, Kenobi.


The reason they were in this mess. 

The reason Elodie was... conceived. 

The reason she was neglected. 

The reason she was in danger now. 

Korkie burned with rage. 

"This is all your fault!" he yelled when the news anchor pulled up a picture of his aunt and Kenobi. "All your fault" 

Lagos put her head on his shoulder. "We're never going to find her now. She's going to stay under the radar."

"This whole operation was stupid. We found her, but not in the way we wanted to," Soniee grouched. Lucy just sobbed.

"Hate," she sniffled. Korkie put an arm around Lucy, knowing how terrible it must be to know that there are people RIGHT NOW  out plotting to kill her best friend. He had that feeling right now.

"I wish that guy didn't exist," Lagos huffed, motioning to the Twi'Lek. Corey Ryo, the label said. Korkie nodded. Then, as they were watching, a human girl ran up and punched Corey Ryo in the face.

"You shut your mouth, you traitorous piece of spacetrash!" she commanded as the boy mopped up his bloody nose with his shirt. Korkie noticed that the girl had a prosthetic leg. A key feature that he could use... 

"Wha—Vri?" Corey muttered. 

"Yeah, Vri. Who else would punch you in the face on live TV? Other than Gwen, I mean." Vri snapped, fists poised and ready to bash Corey again. A Wookie and two Rodian boys joined her. 

"Gwen says she's sorry she can't be here," Vri said before launching herself at Corey. The other guy that was with Corey attacked Vri. She kicked him with her human leg. The Wookie roared at the other boy and picked him up, holding him in a headlock.

"Gwen?" Lucy asked, peering around her pillow. 

"Holy cow, they're really fighting," Lagos gasped. Korkie looked at her, expecting for her to disapprove. Instead, she smiled a bit. 

"Get him, Vri," Lagos said. The authorities came and separated the kids. Vri snarled at Corey.

"You're lucky they're restraining me." 

This girl has guts.

"What do we do?" Soniee asked, clicking off the holoprojector. 

"I don't know," Korkie said miserably.

"You guys are on break right?"

The four from the Academy looked at Lucy. 

"We also have the nephew of the duchess," Lucy said.

"Whatever you're planning, I like it," Korkie said, hoping she'd say they were going to Coruscant.

"We're going to Coruscant. We have to save her." Lucy said. "Who's with me?"

"Me," Korkie said confidently.

"I am." Lagos was less confident, but stepped up anyway.



"Then it's settled. We go... how soon can we go?"

"Two days." 

"Good. We need to get there as soon as we possibly can."

"Let's do this."

"Wait! Maybe Ahsoka can help!"

The five of them planned out the trip, going over every aspect of it. His aunt would be too busy with the reporters to notice their departure, so they could steal Elodie and be back before anyone noticed. 

Mission: Kick Corey's Butt.

"No, Lucy. We have to focus on Elodie. Then we can kick Corey's butt."


Mission: Focus on Elodie Then Kick Corey's Butt. 

"How about just Mission: Missing Kryze?" 

"Good one, Lagos."

"Kicking Corey's butt is still on the agenda."

"Yes, it is."

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