Elodie: Mandalorians Have Strong Opinions

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I wish there was more to do on the ship. 

Now the kids are all fooling around and messing with each other. I curled up in my seat, trying to stay out of sight. I've perfected the technique of being nearly invisible. Mostly because I use it quite often. I rested my chin on my hand and looked out the window. Stars had been blurred by our jump to light speed. I sighed heavily, wishing for this all to be over so that I could get off this crowded ship. I tapped my leg, thinking. How could I get the Duchess to notice me? If she's even there, I mean. I pondered this, tugging on my hair. Could I somehow get the attention of Senator Amidala and give her my datapad? Pros: gets to Mom, I get to meet Senator Amidala, and I'm one step closer to getting home. Cons: Senator Amidala could be like: who is this strange child?, I lose my datapad, Mom might not believe me, and I could get in trouble. I don't know what I'd get in trouble for, though. Maybe talking to a Senator. That's a small price to pay for what I'm going to do. 

"Landing on Coruscant in 5 minutes!" 

Finally! I'm sure all the others shared my thinking. Especially the teachers. They looked haggard and worn. I felt bad for them. I was one of the only good students. Probably the only one. The other kids my age were rowdy and rude, not caring about what they did whatsoever. There were some people that I thought were decent, but I can't really say for sure because I've only observed them from a distance. I neatly folded my blanket and put it in my pack, datapad and books on top. I resisted the urge to press my face to the window to see the planet. That's what the others were doing, and there was no way I was going to take part in their antics. Also, it looks stupid. I busied myself thinking about my mother's ship, the Coronet. What was it like on the inside? Well, I knew because I'd seen pictures. It was a gorgeous ship both on the inside and the outside.  I suddenly remembered that I had to use the bathroom. Great. Just great. I am not getting up and going to the bathroom right now because someone could steal my stuff and my secret could be exposed. I really, really want to get off the ship now. I moved my face closer to the air vents, sweating from the anxiety. 

"I heard the Duchess was pleading her case in the Senate." One kid said. My head jerked up, eyes widening. Mom, here?! I bit my lip to keep from smiling. 

"Yeah. We're probably going to get to see some of it." Another replied. The anxiety all but vanished, replaced by joy. This is my chance! I can find her and set this right! But what if she doesn't believe me? What if she doesn't recognize me? What if... what if... what if... argh! This worrying is not helping me at all. Hush, Elodie, calm down. 

"Students, file off in an orderly manner!" 

I stood up, standing on the seat to reach my suitcase. Another kid's suitcase bashed me in the head. I yelped but managed to keep my balance. I clung to the shelf to regain my balance. I stood back up and tugged my suitcase down, narrowly missing my face as it fell to the ground with a loud thunk. I hopped down and slung my backpack over my shoulder, grabbing the suitcase's handle with my right hand, left hand hanging onto the left strap of my pack. I made sure the zippers were all zipped so that nothing fell out or had the potential of being unzipped. I was the last to get off, thanking the droid who had flown. It seemed surprised by my thanks. I stepped off, dress flapping a little in the breeze. I ran after the others, suitcase rolling along behind me, pack bouncing on my back. I slowed and listened to the teacher give orders. 

"Leave your things here and follow me. They will be in your room when you return. Does anyone need to use the restroom?" Ms. Kenna yelled. I tied the zippers together as a precaution, dropping my stuff, and ran off to the bathroom. There was no way I was holding it through the entire meeting and I didn't want to miss anything. 

I dragged my hand along the polished walls of the hallway, half listening to the teachers. They were telling the other's things I already knew, so I decided to quit listening. 

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