Elodie: Together For the First Time... It's Weird

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"Wake up, Mandalorian princess. You've slept long enough!" Lucy singsonged, poking my arm. I knew she was teasing me. She knew I was teasing her by not answering her. Neither of us was willing to cave. 

"Is she awake?" Korkie asked curiously. 

"Sure she is. Look at her smiling. Don't think I don't see you, Kryze," Lucy said, poking me again. I opened my eyes. 

"Which one? There are three Kryze's in the room." I said, smiling wider. Lucy laughed.

"There she is. You look..." Lucy struggled to find the right word. 

"I look horrible, don't I," I finished for her.

"Eh. Not as bad as the time I fell into a literal lake of mud. I didn't mean to, it just happened. My mother told me to stop deliberately damaging my equipment," Lucy said with a shrug. I smiled hugely, shoulders shaking with wheezing laughter. I can't believe this is actually happening. Lucy is here! And alive! 

"Where is everyone? Are they alright?!" I exclaimed, looking around for the rest of my friends. I hope they're alright after our lovely adventure. Well, it wasn't exactly lovely. 

"Yep. Gwen got a concussion from tripping over nothing and hitting her head on... I think it was the floor. Vri's leg is fixed. Aileen's fine. Evanna's fine. I'm me, here and still sick but also fine. Uh, Korkie and his friends are fine too. Your dad is annoying. Your mom is... okay. She's okay now. Your aunt is a member of Death Watch, but still cool. You're awake now. Yeah, so everything's great. Oh, and your friend Veda is fine. She's resting." 

I let out a sigh of relief. I was really worried about everyone. Not that I'm not still worried, but I'm less worried now. "Thanks for checking in on them, Lu." 

"Elodie, are you okay? I have water for you." Korkie said, climbing onto my bed and holding out a glass of water. "If you don't want it, I can drink it." 

"Thanks, Korkie." I said, accepting the water. I didn't expect him to hug me, but he did. And I enjoyed it. Lucy, envious of our hug, hugged me too. 

"This is nice," she sighed.

"Nice," I agreed.


My mother stood up, eyes sparkling with hope and joy. Lucy and Korkie took this as their cue to leave, each of them whispering goodbye and promising to return later. 

Then it was just Mother and I. 

"I—Mother." I said, tears springing to my eyes. This was my moment. The moment I'd dreamed of for my entire life. Well, maybe that dream didn't play out quite like this, but it was close. I looked at my mother, smiling but crying at the same time. She wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her dress and ran to me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I laughed and sobbed, savoring this moment while it lasted. This is my mother! My real mother! I thought in amazement, feeling.  strangely surreal. 

"Oh, Elodie... I don't know what to say!" Mother exclaimed when she released me. We smiled at each other, the space between us sparking with unseen excitement and energy. 

"I have so many questions. How did you find me? Did you come looking for me? Did you read my letters?" I said, my inner child surfacing. She must think I'm like an energetic toddler with all of my simple questions, I sighed. To be honest, I don't think I care at the moment. She's my mother! My living, breathing mother!

"Where have you been? How have you been? You look so much like your father!" Mother exclaimed, hugging me again. 

"There's so much we have to... to catch up on. Year's worth." I laughed nervously. What if she thinks I'm strange? What if she doesn't want me around? What if... 

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