Korkie Kryze: Mornings are the Worst

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The five woke up to a loud buzzing from Lucy's suitcase. Lucy muttered a curse. 

"I forgot to leave my comm," she griped, getting out the comm. Then she dropped it on the ground and smashed it. 

"Lucy!" Lagos exclaimed. What if they needed that comm?!

"They only put it to two lines, emergency and the hospital staff. Plus, they were probably trying to track me with it." Lucy shrugged off. Korkie wondered if his aunt could do the same things with his. He shivered, hoping she couldn't. He did not want to have his angry aunt haughtily marching to Coruscant and dragging his sorry butt back to Mandalore where he'd be grounded for eternity. 

"Okay then. Who's ready for an adventure?" Lucy said, pep in her step. 

"It's still dark outside." Amis groaned, collapsing back onto the couch. 

"You know, people can see in the windows when it's daytime." Soniee said out of the blue.

"Never mind. Let's go." Amis corrected himself. They all were tired. Tired wasn't even the right word. Exhausted sounded a lot more like the feeling. Foraging notes, an anxious starship flight, and stealing into Duchess Satine's apartment was pretty exhausting. And on top of that, they'd had nothing to eat. 

"Where to first?" Lagos asked as the elevator descended. 

"To eat." Lucy said, stomach growling. No one disagreed. Eating sounded great right now. But they kinda didn't know where was safe, so Korkie thought it was best to try his plan first. 

"What if we try and find Vri?" he suggested. The others looked at him. 

"The one who punched Ryo in the face?" Soniee asked. 

"That one, yes." 

"We only know her first name so we can't really search her." Lagos pointed out. The others sighed, clearly disappointed by the difficulty of literally everything in life. That seems like a common theme here...

"We could just search her name. How many kids named Vri can there be anyway?" Amis said, wanting food now. 

"And we know she had something wrong with her leg. Maybe we can find a hospital record." Korkie suggested. Soniee was already on it, scrolling through the list of results. 

Long story short, they didn't have any leads.


"What about Vri and then hospital?" 

"Nothing comes up."

They sighed collectively. But then Lucy perked up. 

"I was at a hospital here," she said. 

"That's kind of obvious." Soniee replied. 

"Yeah, but we can see if they know a Vri." 

They had no better plan. So that's what they set off to do. Standing in the Underground lift, Korkie immediately regretted that decision. The Underground did not look like a friendly place. Or a place that was even remotely nice. It looked like the sort of place people would steal all your stuff and then dump you into a trash can. And that was only if you were lucky. 

"Trust me, I know this place." Lucy reassured them after Lagos nearly fell into a wall after a man looked at them funny. 

"Doesn't mean we're necessarily safe..." Lagos grumbled. Lack of sleep and no breakfast was making them all cranky. Korkie remembered waking up on breaks in nice, soft pajamas and his aunt's warm, friendly presence....

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