Gwen Shipley: Kryze Manages to Make New Friends. Like, Everywhere.

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And that's how I got stuck with little Kryze. 

Don't believe me? Ask her yourself. She's sitting right there, planning her next crime. Last time it was defacing the vendor's stall. The one that had threatened to call the police on us. The last thing Elodie and I need are police on our tail. 

"Psst. Gwennie."

I looked up from my brooding session to see Elodie looking at me through dark-rimmed blue eyes. She seriously looks like the spitting image of her mom. 

"What's up, kid?" I asked, leaning against the alley wall. 

"What do you say we steal some fruit tonight? I'm starving." 

I met her eyes. She looked hopeful. My gods, she's adorable. I rolled my eyes so it didn't look too obvious that I was going to say yes. 

"Fine. Only because I'm hungry too. You stay next to me and follow my lead, got it?" I said. Elodie perked up and smiled.  I ruffled her messy, oily hair. I can't believe she traded a life of luxury for me and Luce. It's crazy when you think about it. 

"We have to hurry. In and out fast." Elodie said, already plotting. I grinned. 

"Run fast, think faster." I told her. 

"Exactly. But do both faster than your enemy, which, in our case, is the police." Elodie said, examining her dress. I grimaced when I saw her looking at it. It's not the pretty anymore. Now it's covered in dirt and grime, the white more of a gray now. Last time we went out, Elodie actually punched someone. He was from a gang and he tried to take her stolen plate of food away. She put her plate on the ground and nailed him in the jaw with a swift uppercut. I seriously wonder what this girl's life was like before Coruscant. 

"Head in the game, Gwen. Wake up," Elodie said, snapping her fingers. I shook my head to wake myself up. 

"To the surface?" I asked, standing up. 

"To the surface." 

"You sure? That's where they have the most snitches," I said cautiously 

"They also have the best fruit," Elodie challenged. 

"Fair point. You ready?"

"I'm always ready now." 

"You've got to be on your toes," I said, stretching. I yawned, covering my mouth. Elodie grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the alley. 

"No time to lose," she told me, dragging me to the elevators. We stepped in, me yanking my arm away before she bruised it. She's got a tight grip for such a thin girl. I pressed the button for the surface. We waited in the elevator with a Togrutan young woman and an older Trandoshan man.  He unnerved me. Elodie drummed her hand on her leg anxiously. The elevator stopped and a teenage Twi'Lekki boy stepped on. He was reading the news on his tablet. Elodie peered over his shoulder, eyes zooming across the screen. 

"You want to read?" he asked, starting her. 

"Yes, if that's alright." Elodie said politely. I internally groaned. Why do her manners have to be so impeccable? He moved over so they could both read it. I kept an eye on Elodie in case someone tried to jump her. 

"Have you seen all the conspiracies surrounding the Jedi? It's crazy," the boy said. 

"I don't keep up with the news often, but I do know that the Jedi are loyal to the Republic." Elodie replied, still reading. 

"Same here. I'm Corey, by the way."

"I'm Elodie."

"You okay?"

"Just tired. Stressed."

"Stress and tiredness is common in teenagers, according to my grandma." Corey said. 

"Especially when they know they've got a terrible reputation." Elodie said grimly.

"Ain't that the truth." 

Just then, the woman next to me tapped my shoulder. "I feel like I've seen you before."

"Um, really?" I replied nervously. She had seen me before. This was my... um, let's just say that we knew each other. I don't want to admit that I had friends. 

"I'm Aileen Vidua," she said. Argh, now she expects my name. Why must this elevator ride take so kriffing long?!

"Gwennith Shipley." I replied. 

"Gwennith Shipley? I knew a Gwen when I was around eight or nine. One day she just disappeared." Aileen said, puzzling over the whole Gwen disappearance. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to the surface. 

"Well, gotta go. Nice meeting you Aileen," I said with an awkward smile, grabbing Elodie's arm and pulling her out of the elevator. 

"See you some other time, Elodie!" Corey called, waving. 

"Yeah!" Elodie called back. Once we were a safe distance away from the elevator, I let go of her arm. 

"You can't do that," I griped.

"Do what?"

"Make friends. We have a job. That job is to survive, not to charm people into feeling bad for us." 

"It's fine. Corey's a good person."

"Exactly what I mean. Let's get that fruit and get out of here before someone else recognizes me." I grouched, walking ahead. 

"What do you mean someone else?" Elodie asked, hurrying after me. 

"Shhhh. There." I said, pointing to a just-delivered shipment of food. Elodie looked longingly to the Senate building. Then she looked back at the food. 

"Hurry," she said, dashing toward the crates. She tossed me five of the fruits. I tucked them into my jacket and pants pockets. 

"Elodie?" A woman asked. Elodie froze. 

"Senator Amidala?" she muttered under her breath. That second cost us.

"Hey! Thieves!" a man yelled. 

"Time to go," Elodie hissed, taking off. I sprinted after her, holding two more fruits in my hands. She clutched two in her hands and carried two more in her arms. We ran through the city, heading for the elevators. We got there just in time. The doors closed just as security droids rounded the corner. Lucky for us, the elevator was empty.

"That was close. Too close." I warned. 

"Sorry." Elodie said sharply, kicking the metal wall. I put down the fruits in my hands and hugged her. 

"It's alright. I get it." I whispered. She dropped her fruits and hugged me back. We broke apart and said in unison, "Ew, we smell terrible."

The two of us laughed and collected our prizes off the ground. Maybe Aileen can lend us her house for a bit so we can shower. More like we break in and take showers because there is no way Aileen would let us in. At least, I think it works like that. You never know. 

There can be kindness in a cruel world, you just have to look for it.

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