Lucy Kee: Would You Like a Side of Pain With That, Ma'am?

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Most days I feel like someone ran over me with a starship. 

Today, I feel like they ran over me, ran over me again, and then tossed me off a building. 

Yeah, it's one of those days again. 

"Miss Kee? You called for the pain meds?" 

"Yes!" I wheezed, lunging for them. The nurse looked surprised. I couldn't reach her to take the meds. My arms need to get longer. 

"Are you feeling alright?"

"It's one of my days again." I confessed, still reaching. Maybe if I willed it hard enough, my arm would extend. That would be a fun thing to do. Then I could smack her. Elodie's mother.

What? She left Elodie behind! Jeez, people. A mother does not do that to her child. The nurse finally gave me my meds. FINALLY. Are you trying to make me suffer, woman? I downed the glass of water with the pills, ready for them to take effect right away. 

"Remember, 10 minutes till effect." 

Damn it! 

There was a knock on the door. I reached for the door. My arms hadn't become stretchy yet. Seriously, universe. Give me something to look forward to. Like stretch arms. *cough* PLEASE *cough*

"Excuse me, but Miss Kee isn't-" the nurse stopped short. I craned my neck, trying to see my visitor. I hope it's my friends. I like my friends. I'd trade all the stretchy arms in the world for my friends. 

"I wish to have a word with Miss Kee," the duchess said politely. I groaned loudly, pretending to be in more pain. I should totally add retching noises to this skit. I do not want her in here. She needs to keep her idealistic butt out of my room, got it? I don't speak to people who leave their children behind to fend for themselves. Especially if that child is Elodie. 

Just my luck. The nurse let her in. 

"Miss Kee, push the button if you need me," the nurse said, leaving the room. I poised my hand over the button threateningly. The duchess sighed, sitting down in the chair next to my bed. I glared at her, ready to push the button and get her out. Just her presence is making me angry. It's a reminder of the girl I left on Coruscant. The one that was so hopeful that her mother was coming to get her. I'd do anything to give her the mother she deserved. Because the woman in front of me sure as hell didn't deserve Elodie's love. 

"Miss Kee." Duchess Satine greeted. 

"Utter failure of a mother." I replied snarkily. She winced. Good. I hope she hurts for what she did. 


"You what? You're sorry? You can explain? Tell me all your lovely excuses. I'm listening." I snapped. The duchess looked taken aback by my outburst. Stretchy arms need to happen. I really want to slap her. 

"It was-"

"Was what, a mistake? A tragedy?"


"No! Don't you dare 'Miss Kee' me! This is all your fault! Because of you, my best friend is wandering the streets of Coruscant or someplace, waiting for the mother that never loved her. Because of you, she's alone and scared. Because of you, she's hurt. She's broken. This is your fault. Her pain? Your fault. Her love? You don't deserve it. You're too much of a coward to go after her. Too scared that your reign will end because you admit to having a daughter. Or maybe it's that you're ashamed! Ashamed of the beautiful, brilliant daughter you birthed because she's not Force-sensitive. Didn't want to disappoint your boyfriend." I sneered. Then I started to hack, doubling over. The duchess gasped and handed me my water. I took huge breaths, not willing to accept the water from her. I'm still angry, and I am very petty when I'm angry. My eyes streamed and I coughed up blood into my hand. 

"Drink the water," she insisted. I accepted the glass and took a few sips. My throat felt raw. Healing isn't an easy process. I wiped my bloody hands on my pant legs. Blood only makes them more attractive, in my opinion. 

"Are you alright?" 

I didn't respond. 

"I guess I deserved that," she muttered to herself. I nodded.

"You did." I agreed. As my dear old mother would've said, leave it to Lucy to... whatever she used to say. 

"I... I am sorry," she said quietly. In that moment, I saw not the duchess of Mandalore. I saw the sad mother who lost her daughter, grief-stricken and scared. It's amazing how people can hide their emotions so well. Too bad none can withstand the stubbornness of Lucy Kee. 

"Don't say sorry to me. Say it to Elodie."

"How can I? She's still missing."

"Then find her, goddammit." I swore, feeling like she was way more timid about this than she seemed. I should just have Padmé Amidala be Elodie's mom or someone like that. 

Lucy, that's mean. 

Okay, fine. I'll give her a second chance. But no more chances after that. 

My lungs ached from all the coughing earlier. 

"Elodie gave me her letters." Duchess Satine told me. 


"They mean a lot. Both to her and to me."


"When did she tell you?"

Here we go. The whole 'when did she tell you about the secret' thing. The thing that literally everyone does. If you want me to tell you when, you have to tell me what. That's my policy. And this? This is going to be fun. She is going to hate me so much after this, but it'll be so worth it to see her squirm in discomfort.

"I have a policy. It's when/what."


"I tell you when, you tell me what." 


Ooh, she fell for it. She probably thinks what means simple things like what happened to make the secret (Elodie). Oh no, sweetheart. It's much more in-depth than that. I need an explanation. 

"'Lodie told me the day we arrived on Coruscant."

"So you've known for a while."


"Did you tell anyone?"


She sighed in relief. But she won't be so relieved soon.

"Now for the what. What happened to create this secret? I need details." I said, suppressing an evil cackle. The duchess turned red. And I mean red

"Do you really..."

"No, you idiot. Why did you do what you did that fateful night." I groaned. Did she really think I wanted to hear about what happened in the room? Plus, I hope she doesn't get mad at me for calling her an idiot. 

"We were young. It was love." 

"Very vague, but for some reason I understand." 

"You know how to get what you want," she sighed.

"A girl's gotta know." I shrugged. Now that I am finished interrogating, she can leave. 

"You have that look on your face that says you want me to leave."

"Good job. Your reward is nothing." I grouched. She smiled. 

"You're very charming, Miss Kee."

"Charming, my butt. It's called effectiveness." 

She laughed. Why must they all laugh at me? 

But it was kind of funny....

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