Elodie: What?!!

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There it is. 

That perpetual feeling of what?!!

As I looked out the window of Veda's new apartment, I was filled with that feeling. What had I done that made my life so terrible? 

And why was my face all over the billboards? I mean, it's not that interesting. Secret children are literally everywhere. It's a fact. 

So why are they all obsessed with me?

"Elodie, move. Someone's going to see you." Gwen grouched. 

"No." I replied, not moving from the windowsill. 

"What is so interesting? Is it your deadbeat parents?" 

"I'm contemplating life."

"That's weird too."

Gwen was pacing the room, a look of frustration on her face. Veda was at work, so we were alone. I went back to staring. 


"What do you want?" I snapped. 

"You're chasing a ghost. Give it up. They're not coming back."

"Don't you think I know? I get it! They're not coming back! My mom left, my dad wasn't even in my life, and now I'm totally screwed because I put my trust in the wrong person!" I barked, running my hands through my hair. They got stuck. I hadn't brushed my hair in at least a day now and I don't think the running for my life helped with the knot situation anyway. 

"I'm sorry, Elodie. I'm frustrated and angry and this whole situation is so stupid." Gwen apologized. I turned my gaze to her. 

"You know, my emotions are broken right now." I said.

"Huh? How do you break emotions?"

"You know how you're mad?"


"Well, my feelings right now are what?!! Like, what in the name of Mandalore is going on?!" 

"I partially see what you mean."

Gwen and I smiled a bit. Just then, the door flew open. Veda looked scared

"You two aren't safe here. You have to go," she told us, already throwing our things into backpacks. 

"What?! Veda!" Gwen yelped, trying to stop her. 

"You two are sitting ducks here! They could break in at any moment and you two would both be dead because there's no way you could run!" Veda exclaimed, throwing a backpack at me. I caught it, surprised. 

"Okay, why are you acting like this??! What the hell is going on?!" Gwen yelled, getting up in Veda's face. 

"Look," was all Veda said. I turned back to the window.

"Who are they?" Gwen asked, pushing me aside so she could look out the window. 

"Death Watch," I breathed, heart stopping for a moment. 

"And who is Death Watch?" Gwen asked me.

"They're... they're a group that wants Mandalore restored to it's former ways. They want my mother off the throne...

"They want me dead."

"Oh shit." Gwen muttered, grabbing the backpack. "Run, Elodie. Run."

I looked back to the window. The figures of Death Watch were nearing us, heading for the apartment building. I slung  the backpack over my shoulder, grabbing a small frying pan. 

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