Elodie: I Have A Case of the Dropsies

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I don't understand this.

I don't get how they're all oblivious to the plot.

Lucy and I walked in silence behind the group of kids.

"Thanks for lying for me back there." I finally said. Lucy laughed, patting my shoulder.

"Anytime. And I owe you."

"Why? Because I'm your friend?"

"Because I lied to you," she said, suddenly serious.

"What do you mean?" I asked, afraid of what she was about to say.

"The doctors told me I had four years left to live the last time I went. The last time I went was around four years ago."

I covered my mouth with my hand. Lucy, you friendly lovable di'kut. You lied to me about your lifespan. You could die at any time and there's no way to know when.

"Are you mad at me?" Lucy whispered, ashamed of herself. She rubbed her arms, not looking me in the eyes. I hugged her.

"Never." I whispered back, "I'm going to cherish the time I do have with you."

"Why are you so nice." Lucy muttered, smiling. I smiled back.

"Because. Hey look, there's Senator Organa!"

"I swear to the gods, you know everything about this place and these people."

"Not everything, di'kut."

"Somehow I know that's a name."

"Di'kut is idiot in Mando'a."

"Okay, di'kut.. I'll bet you can't name every Senator that passes us."

"Challenge accepted."

I happily pointed out all the Senators that passed us or were around us. I saw some startled and dumbfounded looks from the passerby, including some of the Senators. I didn't realize our tour group had stopped until Lucy nudged me.

"You've impressed them so much they stopped you so that they can watch you easily." She said.

"Senator Mon Mothma. Senator Rush Clovis." I named, pointing at each in turn.

"I was wrong. You can name everyone." Lucy said after a few more names.

"She's brilliant! Incredible! Remarkable!" Senator Orn Free Taa exclaimed, clapping. Senator Bail Organa nodded, rewarding my expertise with a small smile. I felt a rush of heat in my face, pride and embarrassment warring inside me.

"Elodie, why must you draw attention to yourself?" Ms. Kenna murmured to herself. A helpful hint: don't whisper things if you don't want someone to hear them.

"It was a game Lucy and I were playing. Well, I was playing. She challenged me to name all the Senators that passed by, so I did." I said. She was surprised I'd heard her. Again, what I said before. I have learned not to mutter something under your breath because there's a high chance someone's going to hear it.

"What is your name, young one?" Senator Organa asked.

"Elodie." I said. I never say my last name unless they ask me for it. I don't want to be traced back to my adoptive family. I don't want them to take the credit for my achievements and I also... I don't want them to get hurt if I attract the wrong attention.

"I have heard that in your short stay, you managed to catch my friend Senator Amidala's attention with your extensive knowledge of politics."

"You are correct."

"How are you so polite?!" Lucy whispered, eyes wide.

"Polite people don't interrupt conversations, for one." I whispered back. She grinned.

"You are thirteen, correct?" Senator Organa said.


"I have hopes that you're thinking of pursuing a career in politics. We could use your skill in the Senate."

"I am eager to do my part in the Senate when I am older."

"I will let you get back to your... tour."

He left and Lucy turned to me.

"Holy krif. How do you do that?!" Lucy exclaimed. I laughed.

"Apparently today is a good day because usually I am invisible to everyone."

"Out of all the people in the galaxy, I get to be friends with the remarkable Elodie. What a life!"

I laughed, but felt a pang when I remembered that Lucy could die at any time. The tour ended soon after and we were allowed to explore. I retrieved my data pad with my letters, heart ready to fly out of my chest and soar away. I was going to say goodbye. But I was also going to say hello.

There's no way I can come back after our mission, and there's no way I can go back to my life back on Naboo. I saw Mom's dress and took a shaky breath. Then the comlink buzzed.

"Meet me back at the room." Gwen said, her voice made tiny by the comm.

"Affirmative." I said, and then walked towards Mom. I could tell her and abandon the mission. I could go home. I could have the life I've always wanted to have, be loved my my own mother.

But I can't leave Lucy and Gwen. Mom was alone, so it was the perfect time to tell her.

"Mom." I said softly, dropping the data pad in surprise. She turned and saw me. We locked eyes for a moment. In that split second, I saw the realization hit her.

"Elodie?" Satine Kryze—my mother—whispered in shock. I gave her a small smile and a wave.

Then I turned and ran back the way I came.

"Lucy, come on! Let's go!" 

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