Elodie: Birthday Cake is a Good Idea Generator

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We spent the afternoon and evening searching for Sunder. His house had the lights off and the old neighbor chased us away while threatening to call the police. No one else had any luck either. The weequay twins thought they saw a Rodian woman that resembled Sunder, but they didn't catch her in time. I returned to the alley that night, defeated and exhausted. I collapsed onto my bed of crates and stared up at the ground above. I never thought I'd say that. Ground above. What has the world come to?

"Evening, child." Gwen said, tossing her work-issue purse into the corner and sitting down on her bed. 

"What." I groaned, rolling over. 

"Guess who's getting paid tomorrow?" Gwen said, smiling. 

"Your face." I guessed, rolling back over. The dirty wall is much better than Gwen right now. It doesn't ask questions and it isn't happy. 

"Elodie, what's going on," Gwen sighed, shaking my shoulder. 

"Sunder's missing." I told her, squeezing my eyes. 

"Oh, Elodie." Gwen said softly. "Don't blame yourself."

"I didn't find him. I didn't stop his parents." I said, sitting up and turning to her. 

"Sunder knows you're doing your absolute best, Elodie. He's out there." Gwen said, moving to sit on the crate next to me. I rubbed my eyes. I need to vent out my frustration in the form of poetry. I haven't written a poem since the trip, which was like almost a year ago. 

"What're you thinking about?" Gwen asked, prodding my arm. I swatted her hand away. 

"Can we go over to Aileen's? I need to use a computer. Or a datapad." I said. 

"I was hoping you'd ask. Aileen and I are... well, going out tonight." Gwen confessed. I perked up. Them going out means more time to look. And I totally ship Aileen and Gwen. Don't tell them I said that. 

"Okay. When're we going over?" I said, teasing smile spreading across my face.

"Now." Gwen said, standing up. We walked to the elevators. I desperately need something to do when riding the elevator because it takes so long. Gwen and I rode the elevator, awkward silence making Gwen uncomfortable.

"So, where are you two going?" I asked. 

"Some restaurant on the surface. Aileen told me she had some nice things for me to wear. You know she makes all her clothes, right?" Gwen said, blushing. I rolled my eyes. We got to Aileen's apartment. Aileen opened the door and pulled us both in. She kissed Gwen on the cheek. I made a gagging sound. Gwen ruffled my hair. It had gotten longer, so now I could braid it. I'd put it into two braids down the side of my head today. I watched as Aileen made Gwen try on everything. Gwen looked happy. I was happy for them, but was eager for them to leave. It's time for me to get to work. I waved goodbye to them, promised to lock the door, and shut the door. I locked it and turned on Aileen's computer. I logged onto my account. It felt good to see the words Elodie Starchild again. Starchild isn't my last name. My former last name was Shoshina. Elodie Shoshina did have a certain ring to it, though. Some dude called Royal Nebula had liked all my poems. Even my crappy 0200 in the morning ones. I shrugged it off. Probably Corey. Or one of my other friends. I'm going to ask them all later. I began to type. 

Title: Missing

Body: The news came today 

That my friend went missing.

No one knows where he went. 

His parents took him and off he went. 

We searched and searched, 

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