Elodie: I'm on a Low-Hater Diet, So Please Don't

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"Princess Elodie, would you like some more tea?"

"Princess Elodie would like some more tea. I think Princess Gwennie wants some more tea too." 

Kaiana beamed and happily supplied Gwen and I with some more 'tea'. I pretended to drink the tea. In real life, my insides churned. Nothing sat well in my stomach. Not with Corey running around telling everyone and everyone either attacking my family or attacking me. Since I have to be undercover, Aileen and Gwen decided to keep me at Yhanna's. The reporters are so stupid that they haven't even noticed. Probably because I usually climb out the window. Gwen kept glancing at Aileen and Yhanna, who were sitting at the table and talking in hushed voices. Kaiana pretended to drink her tea, sticking her pinky out for royal effect. 

"Your Highness, I require use of the facilities." Gwen said, mouth twitching. 

"Of course you may." Kaiana answered. Gwen winked at me and walked over to the table where Aileen and Yhanna were talking. 

"No more room. Shoo." Aileen said seriously. Gwen proceeded to try and sit on Aileen's lap. Aileen poured her water on Gwen, Gwen leaping up and shrieking. Kaiana and I giggled, me dropping my cup of 'tea'. Gwen rushed to the bathroom to assess the damage to her clothes. Aileen gestured for me to come over. 

"It's worse than we thought, love." Aileen told me, eyes achingly sad. I read through the titles of the newsfeeds, feeling my stomach churn. 

Elodie Kenobi? Elodie Kryze? Whatever She is, This Girl Means Trouble for the Duchess and the Jedi!

Local Boy Spills Secret That Could Upend the Famous Master Kenobi's Life!

No Comment from Kenobi on Supposed Secret Daughter.

Satine Kryze Swarmed Amid Secret Child Reveal. 


Wow, I'm super screwed. 

"There are already people out there." Yhanna said grimly, weariness etched on her face. My already churning stomach did a few backflips, which didn't help my situation. People out there means people trying to kill me or capture me. 

Uh oh. 

Two words.


And Watch. 

Damn it!

"On the bright side, no one's found you yet?" Aileen tried. I shook my head. It was only a matter of time before someone either reveals our location or finds us. I'm putting Aileen, Yhanna, Kaiana, and everyone else in this building at risk if I stay. I looked over at Kaiana. She was busy playing with her dolls, pretending she was the princess of whatever made-up world she was playing in today. She doesn't deserve to be thrown into harm's way because of me and my screw-ups. 

"I don't like that face. What's that face about." Aileen said cautiously. 

"I—I have to go. I can't stay—"

"Elodie, no."

"Elodie yes." 

"I will not lose you because some idiot decided to post your secret to the galaxy. I've come to far and loved too much to let you go." Aileen snapped, banging her fist on the table. I shrank back, never having seen her this angry before. Neither had Yhanna. Gwen came out of the bathroom, smiling and ready to crack a joke. Her face fell when she saw Aileen's anger, my recoiling from Aileen, and Yhanna's shocked expression. 

"You told her, didn't you." Gwen sighed.

"So you people have known about this?!" I exclaimed.

"We've been planning." Aileen said resignedly. 

"No. You can't... you can't lose your jobs over this. I won't let you." I argued fiercely. They worked so hard. I can't let them give it up. 

"Family is more important than some stupid job." Aileen said. 

I had no comeback. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Gwen grabbed my arm and yanked me into Kaiana's room. Kaiana followed us, curious. Gwen shoved me in the closet, pushing me into the mountain of toys. She came in after me. Kaiana covered us with more stuffed animals, closing the closet when she was finished. Force, this girl has a lot of stuffed animals. I could hear muffled voices on the other side of the wall. Aileen, Yhanna, and... other voices. Perky, cheerful voices. Prying, evil voices. My fight-or-flight response activated. It told me to run. Gwen felt me shift. She put me in a headlock and covered my mouth with her hand. I licked Gwen's hand, but she still didn't let go. Darn it, Gwen! The prying, perky voices entered Kaiana's room. The room we were hiding in. 

"So honey, do you know the Elodie girl?" the woman asked sweetly. 

"Why are you in my room?" Kaiana fired back. I could see her through the space in the bottom of the door. She had her little arms folded and that face on that says I won't hesitate. That's my Kaiana!

"What did Elodie look like?" The woman pressed. 

"Get out of my room, lady." Kaiana said sassily. 


"Mommy! The strange lady is in my room!" Kaiana screeched, pretending to be that one toddler throwing a tantrum. Yhanna and Aileen came running.   

"What is it?" Yhanna asked Kaiana, looking at the reporter lady sideways. Aileen stood in the doorway, making sure the reporters didn't go out and snoop around the house. 

"They're in my room and being annoying." Kaiana said, walking over to her bed. 

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave now." Yhanna said to the reporters, putting the Stern Mom Face on. How can I see all this from the closet? Well, my face is pressed to the floor. 

"But ma'am—" the other guy protested. 

"You're literally trespassing on our property. We can call the authorities right now if you want." Aileen said, smiling poisonously. 


The two bolted out of the room. Yhanna and Aileen followed. The room was  silent for a moment. 

"You're safe now." Kaiana said, opening the closet. Gwen let go of me, struggling to her feet. I rolled out of the closet, gulping air like I'd been suffocating. I hadn't, but fresh air tastes nice right now. 

"I have to go, Gwennie. They'll be back." I said softly. 

"You're not leaving without me." Gwen said firmly. 

That night, we said goodbye to Yhanna, Aileen, and Kaiana. 

We climbed out the window with the few belongings we took with us to Yhanna's place. 

Then it was gone. 

Gwen and I were alone once more.

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