For God's sake!

770 37 1

Didn't matter how much Yuta wanted to get closer to Katrina, know her better, or who knows what else could grow between them, all he could do was send simple text messages. "Morning", "hi", "wassup?" — that was what came out on the screen of that smartphone. It was not a matter of embarrassment, fear of going one step further, but the lack of time that he was stuck in because of his parents.

The Nakamoto couple called him every day charging him for renting the apartment. They would pay it for him until he got a job, but the Japanese couple was getting impatient, especially after the apartment manager said how Yuta had spent his last month. And now the deal changed to: two months without a job, and Yuta would be back in Japan. At least he breathed calmly for they still giving him a nice allowance to spend the month.

He wanted to live, not survive, but now he was too stunned to be able to relax with anything and when he could have a break for him, Katrina was the one who never had time. Yuta was starting to think she didn't like their last ride.

"I hated"

Sometimes this phrase ran in Yuta's thoughts and without realizing it, the two had already walked away as if nothing had happened. And even if that was true, for Yuta something beautiful had started, at least he thought it has. But with Katrina's distance, what had just begun, ended up withering away.

"Not even started and it's already over. Thank God at least I didn't fall for her" Yuta complained to himself.

He was grumpy, and the blame were the conversations with his parents, his heart yet missing Gayeon, still being jobless and what was bothering him most, ignore Jaehyun. He didn't mean any harm, let alone doesn't care about him, Yuta just couldn't face him since the other knew about his feelings towards his girlfriend.

Less than a month had already gone by, and all that was making the japanese boy gone mad. To make matters worse, his classes were about to start. And even if it was Sunday, Yuta never had a boring day as such in his entire life so far. So, he decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to clear his mind. Maybe he could find some places with job openings.

Sighs were what most were evident escaping from Yuta's lips. He thought of calling someone, talking or asking for advice, but just remembering that he could get yelled at for getting mad with such things in a short time, less than a month, he preferred to be by himself. There were only three people who knew how angry Yuta could get in less than a minute, and sometimes for no reason: Winwin, Johnny and Jaehyun. Making a stop to buy a cup-noodle at the convenience store, Yuta sat and waited for the hot water to perform its magic cooking the noodles.

He spent a few minutes watching people walk distractedly through the streets. Some were smiling, some were arguing, and there were those who were about to cry. With a yawn, Yuta got opened his cup-noodle and began to eat it in his most pleasant silence. He was almost finishing his noodles when Katrina were seen crossing the street with Charlotte. He couldn't help but smile, he wanted to greet her, but those both seemed busy talking and laughing with another guy. Yuta felt betrayed and curious at the same time. Jealousy? He would never admit he was feeling that.

The young japanese followed them with his eyes as he killed the other boy in his mind. If anyone was around, would say that there were sparks coming out of Yuta's dark eyes. Out of sheer pride, he refused to try to get Katrina's attention, to speak to her, or even show curiosity in the man who was laughing and smiling near her. With nasty mimics and ugly faces, Yuta imitated the one who walked with the girls outside, punishing the noodles with his teeth more enraged than he already was.

"That's enough, I'm out." Yuta straightened his seat, placed his cup-noodles leftovers inside the wastebasket, and left.

He was so stressed and annoyed that only started feeling better with a long, pleasant bath in the tub. So much so that he took a nap for a minute or two until his cell woke him up.

"Why did I set this thing so loud?" reaching his smartphone, he unlocked the screen.


Dude (20:03) >


< (20:04) What


He's alive! (20:04) >

How come you disappear for a month like that and don't say a word ??? (20:04) >


< (20:04) A lot's happening, you know that

< (20:05) Rent, my parents, stuff


Yeah sure (20:05) >


< (20:05) So

< (20:05) I'm in the bathtub

< (20:05) Talk to you later


Wait, I need to tell you something (20:06) >

Hey come back here idiot (20:07) >

Yuta don't ignore me (20:09) >


Even though his phone hasn't stop ringing over the marble sink, Yuta took the time to wipe the excess of water from his body calmly and put on a robe, out of sheer laziness to get dressed. He took a sip of a cold glass of water in the kitchen and then finally went to his room. He threw himself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Wanted to reply Jaehyun, at the same time that his stress was keeping him from being calm doesn't matter what his friend said. However, Jaehyun didn't deserve to be treated that way. So, he swallowed his anger and visualized the forty-seven messages.


< (20:25) You're so annoying what the heck man

< (20:25) What do you want?


Oh I forgot that at this time of the month you stay like that... (20:25) >


< (20:25) Like what?

< (20:26) What are you talking about?


PMS (20:26) >


< (20:26) Choke. I'm leaving


C'mon it's hard enough when my girlfriend has her period, simmer down Yuta (20:27) >

Now listen (20:27) >

We're having a surprise birthday party and I'm inviting you, it's going to be on Saturday (20:28) >


< (20:28) Gayeon?


Yes (20:28) >

If you don't show up, I'll kick you in a hurtful place (20:28) >

That's it, bye (20:28) >

Jaehyun is now offline

In a distressed and hopeless sigh, Yuta shuddered on the bed in a childish tantrum. He barely got rid of his stress and more terror came to haunt him. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day and Yuta prayed his headaches would leave him alone. He rolled over the bed as sleep wasn't going to happen so soon.

"I don't know how I have the nerve to live like this..." Yuta covered his face with a pillow "For God's sake!"

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