The Secret - Part I

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The day was calmer, at least inside Yuta's head. His nerves were a bit more relaxed and he had the bathtub shower of last night to thank for it. Inside his car with the window open, he was greeted by the fresh air of that morning. Yuta wouldn't say he was completely in a good mood, his mind was yet filled with thoughts of how he would react in front of others in the presence of Jaehyun and Gayeon; he had notion that he couldn't ignore his best friend forever, even more so long as he missed him at the same time that he would hate to see him with Gwiyomi. Yuta should've been getting over this, he was seriously trying, and even if he hated himself every day for not being successful at it, he felt relief that Jaehyun was the one next to her now. He knew his friend well, Jaehyun would make her happy, maybe even more than Yuta himself thought he could.

With a turn at the corner, he was already in front of the college. Didn't want to, but he left the car and went to what would be his first day. Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad, since Johnny would be there to keep him company and maybe even cheer him up.

"Why the long face?" Johnny was sitting next to him, tapping his fingers on the table.

"That's just the way my face is" he blew out the words, basically throwing himself on the chair.

"Are we at this time of the month again, Yuta?"

"If you say I'm on PMS, I swear I'll kill you here and now" he stared at his friend next to him.

"Dude, relax" Johnny hit Yuta's shoulder lightly "Who hurt you this time?"

"I'm just thinking too much, that's all."

"Thinking about what?" he stretched sloppily.

"Jaehyun invited me to Gwiyomi's surprise party" a pause "But, basically, he's forcing me to go."

"So Jaehyun was the one who hurt you?"

And the pout was again formed on Yuta's lips.

"Stop the pouting."

"Help me please."

"You know I'll be there too, obviously, just like Winwin; I don't know about Doyoung..."

"Johnny, focus on me."

"So, like I was saying, I'll be there to keep you company. It's going to be alright, just act like your normal self and it will be fine. I won't leave you alone with her."

"I don't want to go, actually I think I'd better not go."

"You know you can't run away forever, right?"

"The conversation is good back there, but if you didn't notice, I already entered the classroom" the teacher threw a chalk on Johnny's forehead as he stared at Yuta. "Be quiet now please."

"Sorry..." Johnny rubbed his forehead.

"Well then, let's start by introducing the new students. One of them we already knew, the chatterer back there. What's your name?"

"Nakamoto Yuta."

He had been very happy since the last night, it would be easy to lose patience with the teacher's comments, yet Yuta kept his tone clear and gentle.

"I assume you're Japanese, right?" continued as soon as the boy consented "And the young lady sitting there?" the teacher glanced at the back of the classroom.

"Young lady?" Johnny turned to see who he was referring to "Wasn't it just you, Yuta?

"Katrina Brown" she smiled openly "Canada.

"Something about your parents, right?" she nodded "Well, Yuta, why don't you show the university around to her after class? I know you've been walking around here a lot with Johnny."

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