I Know Nothing

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It was not part of his plans to get himself into hot water, even more revealing the whole secret of Katrina to Taeyong. Yuta knew that Johnny could help him with something, and now the quietest one of the group falling into the story like that would complicate everything. They hadn't talked with each other for so many days that, for a moment, Yuta wanted to throw himself of his apartment's window. He didn't know what to do and Johnny didn't return his calls. The only thing he could think of at that moment was how he was going to kill his tallest friend in college. Yuta knew that it wasn't Johnny's fault, yet who filled his head with all that bullshit was the american boy; and now he also had to deal with Taeyong on the other side of campus in the Photography building, that he had no idea where it was.

Trying to hide the whole situation from Katrina was a difficult task, so much so that he chose to avoid her in the most relaxed way possible; clearly, she realized what he was doing and Yuta knew that. Those were the four most difficult hours of his entire life, especially for spending most of their time doing exercises in pairs. It was obvious that Katrina was looking at Yuta in a try to figure out why he was acting so strangely, but luckily, he managed to have his tallest friend as his duo to organize his plans.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You chased her with the car, but then you gave up on the stalking thing and aborted the ridiculous mission. But in the end, you discovered everything about her having a daughter. You felt bad and on the spur of the moment you got desperate, as usual. Then you called me, I didn't answer, so you decided to send a message, which was sent to Taeyong, and told him everything by mistake" Johnny took a breath while helping Yuta with the exercise "Is that it?

"Do not forget it's your fault."

"My fault?" he yanked Yuta's shoulders back, receiving a furious glare from him "You who're paranoid. I gave you my point of view, I didn't tell you to chase after a woman with a child."

"If you hadn't started with that, I wouldn't have been curious about it. I wasn't even thinking about that in the first place."

"But now you know and that proves that I'm a genius who ought to be respected, thank you very much."

"You mean that should be murdered here and now, right?"

"Now, instead of making drama because you discovered her secret, that she would hate to know you know, you should be worried about Taeyong also knowing everything. Yuta, I knew you were kind of a slowpoke, but you're dumb too, man.

"What do we do now?"

Johnny stared at him while he nervously pouted.

"First, no pouting. I think it's going to end well, Taeyong does his course in the back of beyond, everything will work out, and more, they don't even know each other" he laughed "I think our situation is not so bad after all!"

With those words, Yuta could feel a huge weight coming off his shoulders, even smiled openly. It was just the moment of distress to end, that time ran faster. The lunch break was even more calm and Yuta was able to face Katrina without revealing that he was hiding something, however he stayed a little further from her than usual, which definitely annoyed the girl.

The week was going by as usual and the much-acclaimed day of Jaehyun's girlfriend's surprise birthday party, that Yuta didn't want to arrive, was just two days away. His mind was stuck in this as he left the campus when Johnny went to him desperately, as if he were being chased and needed help. Yuta barely had time to get scared.


"What's your problem?" hand was on his chest, trying to get calm after the fright he get.

"Katrina doesn't know we know her secret!"

"Oh, really Captain Obvious?"

"But Taeyong knows" he gripped his friend's shoulders.

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