Found You

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As soon as the jet made its landing, the four of them hurriedly flew out with their backpacks without even knowing which direction to take. Luckily, Jaehyun had taken care of finding a car to drive them to the Nakamoto's inn, but the problem now would be finding the location of the wedding ceremony.

They were already inside the car, and as the driver drove them to the combined place, they came up with a new plan as the first one failed for their delay.

"Ok, everyone just calm down" Jaehyun raised his hands asking everyone to stop talking "We can go to the inn and see if anyone can tell us where the wedding is."

"What if there's no one else there? Doyoung said the inn was closed."

Johnny was more pessimistic than usual that day, but it wasn't purposeful.

"Yes, but someone answered the phone, right?" Katrina still held out hope.

"Exactly, and we're not that late, it's only been eight minutes since we talked to Doyoung. I'm sure we'll get there in time."

"Excuse me..."

The driver said, and even being Japanese, his Korean was pretty good.

"I didn't mean to overhear, but are you talking about Nakamoto Yuta and Kinoshita Ayumi's wedding?"

Their silence confirmed what he wanted to know.

"Being one of the most successful families in Osaka, they put an article in the newspaper about the ceremony and where it's going to be held. Search the internet, you'll find it."

"He's right!" Jaehyun looked at Taeyong who had been faster with his phone "Found anything?"

"Just a second... Hm... Here, found it!"

Everyone gathered to analyze the phone's screen.

"It's practically beside the inn, in the church at the top of the hill... It seems that we just need to go up through the staircase."

They breathed more relieved.

"Fine, but now what we'll do if we get there too late?" Johnny pressed his hands "The marriage has already begun, and ten minutes is enough for them to say 'I do', don't you think?"

Katrina bit her lip, yet it was Jaehyun who answered.

"We are going to make it, be a little more optimistic, we still have time. It's an important wedding, it ended up in the newspaper. I'm sure that with the number of guests, the bride hasn't showed up yet."

"Yeah, stop worrying us Johnny..." Taeyong gave him a death glare "You almost made everyone cry, that's enough for today, right?"

"I'm sorry, hot-head!"

Just as they were about to fight, the driver parked the car in front of a huge house with japanese-style decorations and various cherry trees in the garden.

"Shut up you two, and get out of the car already."

Jaehyun opened his door quickly and as soon as Katrina left, he turned his attention to the driver.

"Thank you very much Mr. Takano! You may have saved our friend's life!"

"I'm just doing my job boy" he smiled "If you wish to go somewhere else, you already have my number" in a brief bow, he said goodbye.

Amazed by that inn, the four of them followed the stone path through the garden amid the cherry trees looking for the staircase that Taeyong had commented.

"How can a staircase that big disappear this way?!" Johnny analyzed each corner "OH, OVER THERE, let's go!"

They ran in the direction the tallest one between them pointed to find the stone staircase, which seemed much larger at close range.

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