Dismal - Part III

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Johnny and Katrina had been analyzing Yuta as days past. What at first, they thought was a discomfort for Ayumi's presence and the whole secret of his family being exposed, now seemed to be a deep melancholy. He was talking less, a smile on his face was becoming rare. They were worried and didn't even know that two days ago Yuta had had an unpleasant conversation with Ayumi. In fact, he was distressed, and this time feeling like a puppet of his parents and the girl who once called him a friend. Now he only had a disturbance in his heart.

Five days and the deadline to give an answer to the girl would run out. He wanted to ask for help, almost found himself calling Johnny, yet he couldn't let Katrina know what was happening, and as his tall friend was, he would end up telling her everything. Yuta was afraid that the girl would hate him for that, especially because he knew her secret and had never said anything. His mind was far away, wondering what he could do to solve all those problems.

"Yuta, has something happened?"

Johnny asked as they watched a sports channel on TV as Charlotte was asleep.


His eyes were fixed on the screen, though he was not paying attention until Johnny woke him up from his thoughts.

"Did something happen?"

"Oh, nothing happened... Why do you ask?"

"Yeah, right, tell me a lie" was already impatient "Who've hurt you?"

"Everything is fine, Johnny" Yuta smiled at the sight of his worried friend.

"Why aren't you pouting this time?"

"See, no pout, no worries. I'm telling you, it's ok. I'm just tired and you thought it was something else."

"I don't know... You're not convincing me."

"Thank you."

He smiled widely and Johnny was sure that something bad he was omitting. Yuta had never smiled like that before.

"What time is it?" he checked the hours on his cell phone "Katrina should be coming back already, let's get things sorted."

The silence returned to the room, and how its irritated Johnny. He wanted the other to open up to him, though it wouldn't be right to force him to say anything, he knew of a person who could get the boy's truth out.

While Johnny was organizing the room, Yuta was washing the dishes and so they finished faster.

"Yuta, you like Katrina, don't you?"


The japanese laughed at the sudden question, but felt no more embarrassment, reveal his feelings to Ayumi gave him the courage to confess his heart to Katrina at any moment. But that would only complicate things.

"I know you like her."


With that answer from Yuta, Johnny widened his eyes, laughing in surprise.

"Jesus, and you confirm it without even stammering?"

"Why would I deny it if it's true?" he laughed, wiping his hands.

Right then, Yuta leaned against the sink.

"But why do you ask? She said something?"

"Wait, you've made me nervous now" Johnny scratched his head as he laughed "Oh my God."

"Come on, Johnny...!"

"Alright, alright, I asked because I'm tired of playing Cupid."

"Okay, now, what?"

"Why don't you tell her about how you're feeling? You know this kind of attraction has an expiration date, don't you?"

"I can't tell her" he crossed his arms still smiling.

"Why not?!"

"That would end everything, I just can't."

"Stop being stupid and tell the truth straight to her, idiot. Didn't you realize that she likes you too?"

"Stop lying just to comfort me" he shook his head.

"I'm telling the truth!" Johnny eyes widened at the other in front of him.

"You're just saying this so I can build up the courage to tell her how I feel."

"Stop it and listen to me at least once, please?" was already getting irritated again "Jesus, how you managed to be born so stubborn!"

"Right, right Johnny, so Katrina likes me."

Yuta stood up and headed back into the living room as soon as he heard the front door being unlocked.

"I'll punch you in the middle of your face, I swear to God..."

"Wow, I barely arrived and I'm already seeing the happy vibes."

Katrina was smiling, and seeing Yuta couldn't undo the curves on her lips.

"It's his fault, the stubbornness in person."

"Enough of this crazy story, dude" Yuta smiled thinly until his phone vibrated "Hm... I need to answer."

"Who is it?" Katrina eventually let her curiosity escape.

"My father."

And his eyes again became lifeless.


Johnny and Katrina looked at each other as Yuta walked to the door.

"See you tomorrow?"

And the three said goodbyes as they watched the other leave the window, Johnny said:



"He's so into you."

"What, shut up...!" she slapped the taller one laughing with a tumbling heart.

"I'm serious!" he dodged the slaps "He is so in love, but you will have to confess first."

"What are you talking about? If he like me, I said 'if', don't you think he would have said anything?

"Yeah... Talking about Yuta, he would have already said to you, he has no patience."

"See, I'm right."

"No, I'm telling you, there's something wrong."

He looked up at her as seriously as he could and with the sincerest words he could say.

"Something happened. And it wasn't good."

As he rounded the corner, Yuta parked his car close to a playground near his building. In a hoarse sigh he returned the call to his father. He didn't want to talk about his problems, much less about the situation he was in, but he couldn't run away forever.

"Dad? I'm sorry I didn't answer before, I was driving."

"Did Ayumi-san put any sense in your head?"

"So, it was you who sent her here, wasn't it?"

"You should not abandon your family."

"And since when are you my family? Am I your son or a part of your game with money?"

"You already know that you lost Yuta. Do what you have to do without complaining, if you involve anyone else in this story they'll get hurt."

"You promised me! You promised, but played dirty!"

"I played according to the rules, son. You got involved with these people, if there's someone to blame here, it's you. I already told you what you needed to know, now it's up to you to choose. Want to live independently? Do as you please, but accept the consequences" and he hung up.

Yuta clenched his fists and with all his strength let out the scream that had always been trapped in his throat. He wanted to destroy his phone but restrained his hatred just by squeezing his fingers tightly on the steering wheel. He was tired of running away, and knew there was nothing he could do about it. He lost the game, and the result was his salty tears and a long night of insomnia.

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