Chapter 17

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Jake's POV:

I look at the tests that Heather just handed me and started to regret the decision I made, and think to myself 'oh shit, what did I just do?'. 

Brendon puts his hand on my shoulder, "Vro, you good?" He asked me feeling concerned about this situation. 

I slowly look over to Brendon, Zack and Mike, "Um, can I please talk out in the hall with my guys for a minute?" I asked them.

"Of course!" Brendon said to me sympathetically. 

When we got outside, I made sure the door was closed before I could start freaking out. "I don't think I'm ready for this! I'm too young for this kind of responsibility." I said nervously. 

"Well no shit Sherlock! You're 25 and Heather is gonna be 23 next week, how do you think she feels?" Zack said to me. 

"Oh shit, you're right! She's probably going crazy right now, like 2 times worse than I am. I didn't even think about that." I said in realization. 

"Yea vro! She's the one that's gotta carry the damn kid for nine months and push it out of her lady bits, do you know how hard that crap is?" Brendon said to me. "You should be thankful that your a male." He added.

"Yea, for real!" I said and laughed. "Man I'm such a dumbass because now we gotta deal with 2 hormonal, crazy ass pregnant woman on this tour, thanks to what I did." I added, feeling bad about this. 

"You're telling me! I'm gonna be the one that has to buy all this food for them when they're craving shit." Zack said annoyed and rolled his eyes.

"Zack, chill! Everything's gonna be fine, we got this." Brendon said.

We all got interrupted by the door opening. Sarah walks out and says to us, "I hope you guys are done talking out here, because Heather needs Jake." 

"Great! Now what?" I asked. 

"Hey! Don't be acting that way towards her now." Sarah sassed me. "It takes 2 to tango, you know?" She added.

"Damn, your right. Ok, let's go back in and see what this crazy, ginger wants." I said to the boys as I walk in. 

"Where is she?" I asked. 

"She's sitting on the bed still freaking out." Sarah responded and I rush in to help calm her down. I sit down next to her and give her a side hug. "Are you ok baby?" I asked Heather. 

"I'm fine, the one and only reason why I'm freaking out right now is because I still have one more person to tell, and I don't know how they're gonna handle it." She answered. 

'And who would that one person be?" I asked. 

She didn't answer me, she turned her head to look at me and had a look on her face, as if she wants me to figure out who. 

"Oh my god! Son of a fucking bitch!" I said and putting my hand on my forehead. "What the hell are we gonna do?" I asked her. 

She pulled out her phone and handed it to Kate. Kate looked confused at first but then her eyes went wide in realization. 

"Oh hell nah! Absolutely the fuck not!" She yelled as she tossed her phone over to Zack. "Zack, you deal with this!" She added when he caught it. 

"Really? Why do I gotta do everything around here?" He asked. 

"Zack, just do it! Please?" I asked him. 

"Ugh, fine." He said as he pulled up Heather's dad's contact. 

"Zack, put it on speaker and everyone, shut the fuck up!" Brendon demanded. 

Heather's POV:

The moment I saw Zack click on my dad's contact, I started hyperventilating. Jake, Brendon, Sarah and Kate all came up to me to calm me down. 

"I'm not ready for this! This is gonna turn into a hot mess." I said getting really scared and and on the verge of tears.. 

"No it's not, its gonna be fine. We'll handle this." Jake said to me. 

"You? Handle this? Yea right! More like I can handle this. I'm Brendon Urie, I can take care of this with no problem!" He said, getting full of himself.

Kate smacks him upside the head. "Ow!" He said, putting his hand on his head. 

"You deserved that, and you damn well know it! Now is not the time to be acting like this." Kate said to him seriously. "And by the way Zack, and Brendon. Good luck dealing with her father, he's an extreme German asshole!" Kate added. 

"Can we please just get this over with, before I have a damn anxiety attack?" Heather asked.

"Gladly!" Zack said and pressed the call button and put it on speaker. 

It rang a couple of times and I finally heard my dad pick it up.

"Hello?" He says into the phone. 

"Hi, is this Heather's dad, Randy?" Zack asks into the phone.

"Yes it is, who is this?" He answers. 

"This is Zack, Brendon Urie's security guard." He answers politely. 

"Is my daughter ok? Why do you have her phone and calling me?" My dad asked freaking out. 

"Calm down sir, everything is ok. Your daughter is in good hands." Zack responded, calmingly.

"She has to tell you something, but she's too much of a chicken right now to say it." Brendon said adding on to Zack's response. 

"Ok. What's going on?" My dad asked. 

"Well sir. I don't know how else to tell you this, but um, your daughter is pregnant, with our photographer's child." Brendon said, getting straight to the point.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, for a few minutes. 

"Now sir, I know this may be a lot for you to handle, but-" Brendon starts saying, but gets cut off by my dad. I instantly felt an anxiety attack starting up and I start freaking out again and sobbing as soon as I heard my dad swear in German. "HANG UP, HANG UP!" I yell, through tears. 

Brendon's POV:

"What the fuck was that?" I asked out loud as soon as Zack hung up the phone. 

"My dad was swearing in German." Heather responded in between sobs. "That's the worst possible sign! That means he's practically gonna kill me." She added. "What am I gonna do?" She asked, still crying. 

"Oh! Well damn, ok then. I was definitely not expecting that reaction!" I said in response. 

"I warned y'all! He's an asshole." Kate said. 

"Just a general question, what's the percent ratio on how dead vs. how alive I'll be if I ever do see him?" Jake asked Heather. 

"For now, it's a 50/50 chance, but it all depends on when we see him." Heather answered truthfully. 

"Oh good lord!" Jake answered. 

"I'm gonna go eat my feelings away now." Heather said getting up from the bed and heading to the tiny hotel room kitchen. 

"Let me make something for you!" Kate said following Heather. 

"Im gonna follow them and get me some damn donuts." Sarah said. 

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