Chapter 7

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Tre's POV: 

When I got off the phone with Brendon, I looked at Sara and said to her "Babe, i need you to look at me, focus on your breathing and timing your contractions." I instructed her and tried to calm her down. "Im gonna go pack up the car, and we'll go to the hospital. I'm having Brendon call the other guys and they'll be---"

I get interrupted by my phone ringing. I look at it to see that Billie was calling me. I pick it up to see what he wants. 

"Is it true! Is Sara having her baby??" He asks me. 

"Yes, i'm trying to pack the car to go." I answered, confirming it to Billie

"Oh thank go! I just wanted to double check before i left, because I didn't want this to be another one of your stupid pranks where i fall for it, and i rush to the hospital and then find out that she's actually really not in labor." Billie says to me in relief. "I guess i'll let you go, get the car all packed and meet you at the hospital so I can finally meet my nephew!!" He said in excitement. 

"See ya dude" I said before hanging up.

I was pretty much having a panic attack while packing up the car. Trying to make sure I had everything in the hospital bag and anything else that we may need, packed in the car, cuz god only knows how long we're gonna be in the hospital for. 

While i was pacing around literally all over the place, I get a facetime call. I roll my eyes and groan in annoyance not wanting to be bothered by anyone anymore until we got to the hospital. I pause what im doing, get my phone out of my pocket and see that its from Mike. 

I answered it and waited for it to connect before i said "Yes motherfucker? What do you want?!" I said trying to make this call quick. 

"I heard the news from Billie, but is it true?" He asked me. 

"Oh my god, yes its true!! Why is no one believing me??!!!" I said out loud getting really frustrated at this point. 

"Ok, ok! Calm down dude. I believe you, me and my wife are on our way right now. Meet you at the hospital along with probably everyone else." Mike said and started laughing. 

"Seriously, why is everyone getting there before the person that actually really needs to be there right now?!" I asked stressing out. 

"Maybe if you stopped answering everyone's calls, you would be there by now you dumbass!!!" Mike said sassily. 

"Excuse you! Don't make me beat your ass when i get there." I responded to Mike. 

"I gotta go, green light. Bye." Mike said to me. 

"Fuck you, bye bitch!" I said before he hung up on me.

When i hung up, i regained my focus and got back to what I was doing. I went through a checklist in my head to make sure i have enough stuff packed. I finally took a deep breath to calm down, got in the car and started it and was ready to leave. 

I was about to start driving but then I immediately stopped myself from going any further. I get out of the car and run full speed back into the house for the most important thing in the house that I left behind. SARA!!! How could i have been so stupid gotten everything but my own damn wife packed in the car and ready to go?! 

I went back into the house and into the living room, walked towards Sara and helped her up and into the car. 

"Come on honey, lets get this baby out of you." I said to her as we walked to the car. 

Sara's POV:

I was in the passengers seat of the car, and all i could focus on was the pain that i was in with the contractions. I tried to get my breathing in control, but I was struggling. 

"Tre, i love you to pieces, but please hurry the fuck up!" i said to him in a low volume, almost a whisper.

"I'm trying, i'm trying. I don't want us to get pulled over for speeding, that's the last thing I want happening right now." He responded.

"I don't give a fuck!!! I want this baby out now!" I said to him, trying not to put him in any pressure. 

He sped up, and we finally arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later. When we got in, we were greeted by everyone that showed up. I was also greeted by a nurse with a wheelchair so she could escort me to the room so i can finally give birth. 

When i got into the room and the doctors hooked me up to everything they needed to, they checked me and informed me that i'm 4 cm dilated. I groaned in response. 

"Oh, i already know that response. You want the epidural don't you ma'am?" she asked me, practically reading my mind. 

"Oh my bejesus, yes please!" I responded quickly. 

I got the epidural and continued to focus on my breathing. Then Tre comes over to me to calm me down and comfort me, telling me everything is gonna be alright and that everything will be over before i know it. 

I heard a knock on the door and said "come in" as loud as i could. The door opened and in came Brendon, Sarah, Mike and his wife, Billie and his wife, and Kate and Heather. 

"Woah. The nurse said all of you could come in at once?" I asked in shock knowing that this is not allowed. 

"Yea, but i'm probably gonna leave at some point when it gets to be too much for me. I haven't witnessed someone giving birth a day in my life." Kate responded.

Adrienne and Brittney both came over to me to tell me the same thing Tre told me. 

Then the nurse came in to check on me and told me that I was ready to start pushing. 

"Hallelujah! Let's do this thing, cuz i'm way past ready!" I said in excitement. Everyone started busting out laughing at me. 

I did everything the nurse instructed me to do, and pushed exactly when she told me to. Once i heard baby cries, I started smiling and crying in happiness. The baby was finally out! I did it! When the baby was handed over to me by the nurse and i instantly started hugging and kissing the baby. 

"Hi Mickey." I said to him. 

I look up and everyone looked at me confused. 

"That's the name I picked out for the baby. Mickey Otis Wright." 

"Oh my god! That so cute!" being the main response I had gotten from everyone. Brendon, Billie and Mike's wives all came up to me with tears in their eyes/down their faces to get a closer look at the baby. 

"He's so precious! Congratulations Sara!" I got from Adi. 

"You've created and brought a beautiful human to this earth." Brittney added

"You're gonna be a great mother and Tre, you're gonna be an amazing father!" Sarah (Brendon's wife) said to me. 

"Thanks guys." Me and Tre said at the same time.

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