In The Last Few Days.

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( On higher ground he will stand. Blood of the true. To claim what is right.

Blood. Magic. Death.

The mark of the three.

Separate.Together. Combine.

Just. Flow. Energy.

Dark. Force. Light.

The mark of the Angelic, the Fay, the Wiccan.

By the skills of the old, the seeing and knowing. Holder of all)

"..Blood of the fairy, Blood of angel, Hand of the witch. A human of chance. No one like him before, A mixing of this may never happen again!.."

~~~ • }/  \{ • ~~~

I have been looking out my window a lot lately (Any window within this place. And....The clouds aren't sharing their secrets!) So much has happened. We are all quietly pulling ourselves back together.     I still feel, I'm me (I can't be anyone else) But, there was that moment where reality took a dive and opened the flood gates of who I really was. I'd kept my true self trapped and carefully poked away. But, now's the time to move forward.

It's scaring me a little, but I'm going to do it.

One second of loss, and my gift ripped it's self right out (Finger cracking, guns a blazing) I know it was something that seriously needed to happen. It roared out of me (I had no control. A dangerous skill out in the open)     I shouldn't have let it to be held back for so long!

As a kid....I'm guessing, I thought I had a good reason.

But, thankfully within the last week....I have reined my self to coping "mode".     And, in the last few days, I have made an appointment to sit with Mr Reed and Jerry.    I have also been given a letter of "request" - I have been asked to sit with the witches and warlocks of the frames. They will wait within the rooms of the mansion, till the time is right.    My parents are coming (Word went out to them - They wish to inspect their offspring)

Clark has been busy from the crack of drawn till into the late hours, she now has new servants for the mansion (Benton and Geer were so pleased they could do that for her) Not that we are trying to replace or forget the one's we had) But, with the witches and warlock's are now with us - The extra hands to help will be great. Did I say my parents will be seeing me?

I did, didn't I.    My parents will be in this building!

EB has been spending time with Stella (She has become Stella's new little shadow) I can tell she really loves how Stella treats her (Her eyes just light up) And all can see Stella quietly adores her back. I have feeling it is more than just an interest in EB's wellbeing)         Bell's been hanging with them as well.  

Clark has also taken an interest in EB. EB deliberately stands in her way at times and makes Clark look at her. I've warned her, I don't think that is wise (But, she keeps doing it!)        Geer and Benton have been around....But, I haven't really had a chance to look into what their doing.   All I know, is some times they take Ethan.

Ethan silently with rage, complies.

Madeline. I feel her at times...She is around.   I did go searching for her (We all went searching)     Clark commented over a light meal one night, the mansion may have her (There was some silence, as we thought of her past actions)     Benton closed the conversation with, she would eventually show up.   Bodies always do.      I do feel some concern for her....As much as she was the start of this whole mess (She has oddly assisted me as well)

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