The special unicorn they had at present, was the grandest. The finest. The most valuable-est of them all! All Others are "special. But, the Archangels, over the years - Had slowly killed something in them. The stock they had at present, weren't of the high calebra they used to have a few hundred years ago. There was only a few hundred breeding teenage girls at the last count still useable.
Ten hundred years ago - Their stock was in the thousands. But, the girls stopped giving female babies. Then, the teenage girls themselves started to slowly die off. The few hundred they had now, sometimes couldn't fall pregnant....And, if there was success - The baby died. The female babies weren't living past a hour after their birth. The male babies were often sick, they had to be kept with their mothers (Archangels didn't want to allow that. The mothers often caught the sickness too. Plus there were "bonding" concerns. The girls would teach their children to fight, to talk....And other very ridiculous and unnecessary things!)
Amara wanted to be with his friends - Make deals, prosper. But, he also didn't completely want to let Ethan go. Ethan might be the answer to fixing their stock levels in the Others. Amara was an angel of ideas. He just wanted to pick the best one. His friend Lucian was old school, would never jump on the bandwagon of the other Archangels. Basically, anything new. Amara sensed Lucian had secrets. This "Ethan" seemed to mean a lot to his friend. Amara liked to keep all he knew, on side (Especially Lucian)
Ethan meant a lot to all of them. But maybe more to Lucian. Amara would watch!
"Yes, Lucian. You are right there. The Others, are ours to keep. No one, but no one should have them. Only we, know their true worth. Their true power, we must hold on to that very tightly (Amara was slowly nodding as he spoke) And you, of all angels....Need to meet with him. Especially you. You are our source with the holy one, it is you who hands down the laws from his mouth to our minds. Lucian, you are our honoured Archangel.." Amara gave Lucian a respectful nod.
Lucian stare at Amara, his mind was being truthful, Amara never lied. But, Lucian knew only too well Amara was like his other fellow Archangels - Open to lying. Archangels are arrogant, self-centred. A "deal" is forever brewing. Lucian went back to Amara's notes.
- Witch mansion. Has a fully fledged coven. Twenty or spirit servants.
- Energy is neutral.
- Building has power. Very old, must be acquired some how - Can evil be stamped on it?
- Lead witch has parents staying. Didn't ascertain who the parents are. Further inquiries needed.
- Lead witch is a somebody. Could be used against the boy.
- Clark and Benton.Lucian suddenly looked up from the papers. Clark. He knew that person, he'd loved that person. She had become pregnant, she'd had their child within her - Her village was to hand her over to him. Lucian was going to make her his "pet" for the keeping. He was going to break her mind, or maybe keep her a little lucid. Stupid slaves bore him, and Clark used to have a very adorable face (He'd loved looking at her) The way she smiled, laughed....Held her small arms out to him.
She would hug him tightly, whisper her tales of the day to him. Clark truly was a beautiful young woman to behold. And, she was of mixed blood. She held within her, the blood of humans, fairies and angels. Three separate bloods, they never mixed - They made her very rare, very special. And, what delighted him the most was the child that grew within her. Lucian felt him the moment he came to being.
That child grew in his thoughts. Lucian put his most secretive plans in place, he had it all worked out. Clark was to be claimed by holy law, he would have full rights to the boy. The boy would be kept, separate and private. Clark would give him more babies. The tragedy that was happening now, would never have happened in the first place. Ethan's brothers and sisters would have stopped the stock from going rotten. Clark's offspring would have been the foundation slaves of a extremely great business.
FanfictionI had become what was always planned. I could never deny what I was. For years I was never in the right frame of mind, never right enough, too good for my own good....But then, I found the place I was meant to be. And, within this place - I fou...