A Problem, I Didn't See Coming!

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"We should just take him. Leave now....We have received. You like him - I can see it in your face, Abby.." Fern looked at her friend a minute, did a quick glance to us (Mother was telling father to "Calm down. Just breath, Harvard. We will work this out!")

Abby was holding one of Hector's stumped hands in her's - He was perfect in every way. She didn't care about the physical things missing (Namely his fingers)...Or the fact, Hector was now sitting back on his heels. She didn't see the big fang-animal-like teeth. She saw an open grinning face, with warm brown eyes (She loved his dirty blonde messy hair)

She had already noted, his agile tone body....He had strength (She'd felt it in his arms) He was of a good height, she'd felt a strong beating heart.....Abby could spend hours naming all the parts of Hector she loved. She also loved how if she held her hands out to him, he instantly wanted to be in them. He was a boy, she could mould.

Of course she wanted to know the workings of his head, she knew Hector had some obstacles there. But, she would learn them - He would help her (She could see it in his eyes) The boy she had waited for, was right at her finger-tips!

"Abby. Look at me. We need to be serious a minute....I know, I said we should just take him..."        Fern was watching Hector for a minute, she was having a change of thoughts.    "Well....The witches. They could iron out this boy's short-comings, we could request that as our wish. A person fitting your requirements. We could use your position - Request he be put back to his former glory, and because he's a bit battered....Still request a single spell as well!.." Fern smiled, gave Abby a stern look, puffed out her chest.

Abby smiled at Hector one last minute, looked at her friend.

"Sounds solid.." She gave Hector's nose a small gentle poke, Hector blinked at her..."I just for the life of me don't see his faults. I know their there. I know, I can't leave him in this state forever - That would not be justice to him.." Abby paused. "You are right. We must do this trip as planned. We have....have? (Abby suddenly looked at Hector, then Fern) What do we call him? Ooo! I have been going so well, and now what do I call him?!.."

Hector saw the puzzled expressions, he got worried. Abby pull both his stump hands into her's...She looked down, frowned. It was a sad frown. Hector suddenly felt sad. He wanted her to smile again....Her smile made him like her (A lot)

"I'll call him Rider.   Boy sounds not right, and he could possibly be my age - Or should I say my human age.   So...."Boy" is not a name..."

"Rider sounds good.   I like it.."       Fern nodded.     They both knelt down in front of Hector (His name was soon to change, he would be changed too. So, a new name could be wise!)

~} • {~

All eyes went to the small group of three, father walked up to them...."Your highness, Abby.   Valley - Fern.    I request the boy back. Please.."

Three sets of eyes shot up to father (I really need to learn his ability to "command" immediately attention)     Fern stood first, did a small nod - Moved in front of her Empress, lifted her arm out of her body, as if she was protecting Abby.     Abby then slowly stood, she pulled Hector to a standing position (She placed him just behind her)     Father then noted, only then were they ready to converse with him.

Hector looked over the tops of Abby's and Fern's head, peeped at father (Just knew, it would be wise to quietly go to him)     Hector also caught the eye of Ethan.     Ethan nodded, did the smallest of head flicks - He was to go with my father. Ethan wished to see what my father could do for Hector.

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