He's Out.

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"Why! In the name of our dear lord is he taking so long?! The Others are quick. They don't waste time, I don't think they have the patience for even "time" it's self..." Astraea looked at the large building before her. In their original plan, her and Celeste were going to collect Ethan as he made his way towards the local town.

Celeste had thought, Ethan could set that place on fire too. But, changed her mind.

"....Leave no "evidence". I have to keep reminding myself...You'd think, I'd remember such an important detail. Obviously not! Must be getting old (She chuckled to herself) Once we have him...We must be careful..."

Astraea looked at her nails a minute.

"Weren't we going to let him collect the witch himself. Remember? We would stay right back till he had her, in his hold.." Celeste shook her head at her friend...."No. Small change. We be best with him, I feel..."

There was a big bang within the walls of the building....Then, suddenly a rain of shattered glass from one of the windows - Just to the left of them.

"Astraea! He's on the move! He's looking! I can feel it. So exciting!..." Celeste was suddenly grinning at her. Astraea smiled back, but she found Celeste's joyful look unnerving.

~• } / \ { •~

Hector sat quietly in his cell. He listened to every noise....At first, the sounds were nothing to worry about. The section he was kept in, always had a noise from something (Or someone)    It had scared him a little at first, now he'd simply learned to listen - Be as quiet as possible.    He had been "loud" once too.     They had smartly silenced him.

Now, he barked.   But, it wasn't a complete bark like a real dog.   Cause Hector hadn't been born that way....He could do a close-as, and in a nutshell - That would have to do.      Hector had tried once to remember times "before"....But, his mind went blank. He was in the now (Always in the now)       

Any past events to him, were gone.

Someone different was walking the hallways at present, they were looking at things, people....They gave deep-throated growls, Hector sensed great displeasure.    Even in his alternate frame-of-mind, Hector still knew a few thing.    Mostly feelings.     Chilled annoyance, he knew best. Anger with a strap, was also top of the list.

After his change, and at the start of his re-training....They had said, he was still somewhat "intelligent". It was useful only to a point, but quickly dulled if he fought back. He was allowed some abilities, but mostly used for scaring new "bodies". Two feet were now standing in front of him, Hector looked at them a minute - Slowly allowed his eyes to travel up.

Two black marble eyes looked a upon the young man. Ethan gave Hector an odd look, he didn't quite understand Hector (He had met the boy before. He knew he had) But, Ethan had been through a slight "change" himself. Ethan bent down, kept tilting his head.

He poked his fingers through the bars at the dog-boy. Hector jumped a little, glued his eyes back to Ethan....The guy in front of him had "wings" (Hector knew Ethan definitely didn't have them before) Something very strange, very dramatic - Had "happened" to Dr Rivers and Mr Shore's latest acquisition!

Ethan suddenly grabbed the bars of the cell that contained Hector, gave them a hard shake - Growled at them (How dare they be rock solid and concreted into the floor/walls/ceiling of the building!) Ethan wished to move them.  A person of interest was behind those bars....Ethan shook them, rattled the doors.    Then stood back, Hector sensed he better clear himself of the of the bars too.

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