Worse Before Good.

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Ethan's eyes shot open, two thin tubes were up his nose.   And, a third was sitting at the back of his throat (All tubes had been firmly anchored and taped to his neck.    His head felt oddly chilled, like he had even lesser hair than usual.  He lifted his head slightly (A sharp burning sensation went right through his skull.

Ethan groaned inside his head (Fuuucck!) The pain had a familiarity to it, Ethan couldn't quite recall - But he knew his mind would remember soon enough.    He was still dressed, but in grey hospital-issue scrubs.   His wrists were restrained, and so too were his ankles - His feet  looked large and veiny.      Ethan put his head back on the table, did an extremely uncomfortable swallow (He was in the deepest of shit)

Rex had truly out done himself this time.

He tried to clear his mind, think what to do next....In the distance, now that he was fully awake - He could hear crying, and just make out someone pleading with all they had not to be hurt again. Ethan closed his eyes, my face flashed on to his eye lids. A small tear slid from the corner of his right eye.

(Ooooo! Fuuuuccck! This is NOT MEANT TO BE HAPPENING!)

A door opened, then quietly closed. A body stood to the left side of Ethan's metal table.

"Good morning! Everyone should be greeted that way. I will to you. But, only me!.." A pair of thick glasses stared at Ethan, then down to a clipboard.

"I will give you the pleasure of my name. But, only me. I am Mr Shore. I am in charge of you....Or what will be left of you. Ethan, you are a special case..." Mr Shore stared at Ethan a minute, then smiled.

"Your name will not be Ethan any more. You will not be what you think of yourself any more. I will tell you now. Just between you and I. Because. The next man to enter this room will never give you the chance to be Ethan, to think as Ethan....To ever be called Ethan again..." Mr Shore paused. "A lot to take in? Yes? Yet, not half of what you will learn with us..." Mr Shore looked back to his clipboard, let out a small sigh.

"Ethan, you truly are a special case. What a shame, you won't be you any more. I would have loved to have known what you really are! But. I have entered your life too late. Maybe....I might be allowed to keep a little of you in tact, so we can talk. You can share a piece of your brilliant self.."       Mr Shore had a wistful look, he was thinking to himself - Maybe he could talk his partner into "some" agreement.

But, he knew Dr Rivers well.   He was a man that struck to his own plans (And, the orders of others)   But, Mr Shore liked to pretend there was always a "maybe!"

Ethan took a deep breath, tried to breath out evenly...But, it just ended up sounding like he was sniffing, or trying not to cry.

"W..W..Where...Am I?    Can I s..s..speak to Rex.   This can't happen. It can't.."       Ethan tried to look at Mr Shore, but he kept shifting around the room (He couldn't stop looking Ethan over)

Another door was opened and closed.

"Oh this is happening. And we start now.  Mr Shore, would you be so kind as to get the attendants.    Cuffs and chains need to be put on him..."      Dr Rivers glanced at Ethan, looked at his folder....Looked to Mr Shore.

Mr Shore nodded.   He left the room.   He liked to stay on the good side to Dr Rivers, he was perfectionist in his work (None of the other properties ever ended up looking butchered after he'd finished with them)     Some of the doctors of this service were mad men, out to prove something.     The others ended up scared some how, maybe it was the stitch-marks to the head.   Maybe it was the fact they were reduced to empty nothings.

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