The "Talk" Starts.

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Abby, Hector and EB had entered the dinning room first, they took a place close to the dinning table. Abby commented before entering the dinning room, she didn't want to be in a central spot within the room.    She wanted to be able to see and hear all - But, not be the focus of anyone's attention.     She also wanted Hector close to her.      That wasn't going to happen by a long shot.      EB flicked her head to the centre of the room.   Mother was already standing there with Star and Jefferson.

Stella and Fern - Wanted to be "last" to come to the dinning room. Stella wanted the children right out of action coming up.      Fern had quietly voiced...."We could go back into the garden.    Children shouldn't be apart of this!.."

"Your right there.    But. They need to be seen, be explained. They are apart of this building now....Leader and Reef will grow up here. Their place needs to known, sorted..."        Stella glanced at Fern and Pixie (Pixie kept smiling at her. Stella couldn't help laughing back)     Leader and Reef each held one of Stella's hands.      Reef kept looking up at Stella and Fern, trying to follow what they were saying.    

Leader walked quickly, he had his own thoughts on where they were all heading (It was to him)     Leader felt, he would get a good look at the one we were all getting ourselves all tied-up about/the one that all the conversations always seemed to be all about!

Was Ethan going to be a challenge to him?   Be a friend?    Someone he might have to beat up?   Leader puffed out his chest (He could handle it either way)    All two years of him (Maybe he was older now?   He felt taller) Stella glanced down at him, she smiled quietly to herself - The love of a partner, and now Leader (He was a handful, but he was also just what she wanted) Children weren't ever really apart of her goals in life.

A special someone? If it was possible. But, a child? Stella hadn't really thought too far there.

(But, suddenly she had Leader)

Fern and Stella found mother and Star in the centre of the room, quick nods of greeting, brief murmurs of how the day looked to be a good one (But, there was still a morning chill, no windows in the room had been opened. French doors to the outside gardens locked) Stella felt that was a serious indicator, once within the room - No one was leaving till a decision was made.

"Are these the children!.." Mother bent down to the boys first, then stood and grinned at Pixie (She threw her small arms around Ferns neck) Fern wrapped an arm around her a little tighter, assured mother - Pixie was a well behaved child. Mother nodded.."Yes, of course. She's shy. A good thing to be in one so small! Trinity was such a noisy girl at that age. All over the place - Thought of nailing her feet to the floor once.  Didn't.   But, I would have known where she was if I had.    But...Enough about that.."

Fern went pale in the face, took a few small steps away from mother. Suddenly Fern noticed Star (Star was just staring at Pixie)    Stella quickly took mother's and Star's attention to her, she got the boys to sit on a chair (Fern to sit with them)     "Mrs Shadow. Star.   Has Trinity passed a message to when her and Ethan would be making appearance?.."       Leader stood up on his chair (Reef stood too) Gave mother and Star a stern stare

Mother looked at Stella..."No. But. We expect her soon..."


"Ethan. We listen.   We be "united"..." I paused, I had a speech (I had a few. We could've stood in the hallway for the next days on what I wanted to say!) I went to speak again, thought no. I pulled forward..."Let's just do this. I want us to be first, before we get on to the kids. Once they know your just "you". Leader, Reef and Pixie might be easier to discuss..." I gave Ethan a nod, he looked down the hallway to the open door of the formal dinning room.

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