Chapter Two: New Encounters

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"So, why are we going to see Keefe?" Dex asked as they were walking. "Wait 一 is he even back yet, from his expedition." Dex somewhat mimicked Keefe's voice saying the last part. Sophie realized that Dex had a point; Keefe may not be back yet.

"You're right," Sophie stated. "But I just need to know if he's okay." Dex stopped in his tracks.

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Honestly," Sophie started, "I don't know. I'm just . . . worried, you know? I wouldn't care if we're best friends or enemies, I still want to make sure he's okay." Dex nodded.

"I understand where you're coming from, but you know what he did. I don't know why you still bother with him. You know, Fitz, Biana, your parents, even Tam and Linh are against him. Why aren't you? He betrayed all of us, just so he can have more. I don't care if he says 'Don't worry; I'm protecting you.' He's not. He's attempting to 'protect you' by risking his life because he wants more power, Sophie! Why don't you understand? You've fought plenty of people with the same goal to know that it's the same thing every time!"

Sophie had no idea what to say to that. Dex was right, she knew that. But she had to hold on to hope. She had to hope that Keefe would come back to his senses. He said he would. But that wasn't enough.

"I know what you're thinking, Dex," Sophie told him. "But I'm a little disappointed"一 her emotions dropped after seeing Dex look so hurt, but she kept going 一" in you. I only asked you for a reason; I thought you were the only one who would understand me. More than Fitz. More than Biana. More than anyone." Sophie felt bad explaining it so thoroughly, but she needed to know if she could trust him.

"Sophie," Dex said. "I don't know what to think anymore: of course I trust you, but enough to let you risk seeing him?"

"You can, and you will," said a familiar voice from behind them. Sophie and Dex both turned around to find . . .

"Fitz?" Sophie and Dex questioned in sync with one another. Fitz's unmistakably aqua eyes and dark hair definitely went unnoticed.

"What are you doing here," Dex asked. Fitz walked up to Dex, put a firm grip on his shoulder, and said "It's okay Dex. Let her go, with or without you." Fitz inched closer to Dex and whispered something in his ear. Sophie could've sworn she heard him say "It'll be her fault in the end." She considered asking him about but then thought Nah.

"So, are you going to see Keefe, too?" Fitz asked Dex, taking a few steps backward. "Hmm . . . well, Sophie, what did you need me to do?" Dex turned to face Sophie.

"And why didn't you need me?" Fitz added, which definitely added more pressure.

"Fitz, you're my friend, too, but Dex, I wanted you to come because . . ." Sophie struggled to come up with a lie. She hadn't really asked for Dex's help for any particular reason; she just didn't want to go alone. And it might be too awkward if she had invited Fitz, and Biana way too busy nowadays, so Dex was her last option, sad to admit.

"Well, Dex, you can come if you choose to. I asked you cause I . . . I thought I might need your help, in case he . . . has some high-tech gadget that hides his plans or his secrets," Sophie responded dramatically. Dex seemed like he wasn't buying it, yet he said, "Actually, it's fine. You seem like you can go up to Keefe's doorstep and knock on the door by yourself. Just call me on your Imparter if you get yourself in a pickle." Dex walked off after Keefe and left Sophie thinking about how he used a line that Keefe would say.

Sophie took one last look at Dex and Fitz walking off in the distance, leaving her to face the current most-powerful sixteen-year-old boy she knows by herself. She was about to start leaving but doubled back around to where Dex and Fitz were walking. Sophie squinted her eyes to confirm that she saw right. They were walking towards . . . "Keefe?" Sophie breathed. She was sure it was Keefe. Those features could never be overlooked, even if it was only a silhouette.

Sophie ran 一 no, sprinted as fast as she could towards the mysterious figure. It took at least five minutes to reach the peculiar person. Luckily, they didn't move. Actually, it was strange that they didn't move. And as Sophie advanced closer, the individual did not look like Keefe. At all.

"Um, who . . . are you," Sophie asked once she got closer. Sophie focused on the features of the person. From what Sophie could tell, it was a female, wearing some spiky hat. She had dark brown eyes as Sophie's ー which Sophie noticed instantly. And she had short bob-like hair that looked absolutely flawless. She was wearing a light purple dress that went down to her knees and black flats. Sophie looked embarrassing compared to her. She and Biana would be great friends, Sophie thought.

"I knew you'd fall for it," the girl said after a few moments. "The hat was supposed to look like your friend Kevin's hair."

Sophie noted she had a weird accent. Sophie was fairly sure it was called a "British accent."

"It's Keefe," Sophie corrected. "And excuse me?" Sophie added offended.

"Well, of course, you thought that I was your friend, Keefe ー my apologies right?" Sophie couldn't believe this girl.

"You're probably wondering who I am," the girl said to Sophie. "I'll explain soon enough, but not here, and not now. I'm extremely busy," she said.

"The least I can do for you," she continued, "is tell you my name. I bet you are dying to know." The girl flipped her hair, which disgustingly reminded Sophie of Stina. And it was quite the opposite. Sophie just wanted to walk away and leave this mysterious girl be, but she had to know how this girl knew Keefe, so Sophie stayed quiet.

"My name is Mabel. Mabel Scott. A pleasure to meet you, Sophie Foster."

Who is this girl?!

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