Chapter Sixteen: Face Reveal

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"That doesn't sound right," Dex said, scratching his head after no one laughed. 

"No duh," Boss told him. 

"I think it's said like this: 'Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.'"

"That makes more sense," Dex replied, blush creeping on his face from embarrassment. "It's fine," Sophie said, patting him on the shoulder. "No one messes up that saying, though. Ever."

"So you proposed seeing my face. Am I really that handsome, Sophie Foster?"

Sophie ignored the teasing and repeated, "I guess we'll have to find out."

"Well, if any word of this gets out, you will be in trouble. And not just you two. I have . . . others in mind who I could use . . . . Speaking of which, I do need to introduce you guys to my new sidekicks, who will aid me in my task. But first, let the face revealing begin!

"What the heck?" Sophie and Dex spoke in unison as Boss' large chair spun around, revealing Boss to them. 

"Well? This is what you asked for, right?" Boss said, making gestures with his hands. 

"Just . . . not what we expected," Sophie said. They technically didn't see Boss, but they did. Boss wore a long black robe 一 it kinda looked like a bathrobe, which made Sophie snicker 一 with boots a shade lighter than black. 

But the biggest problem was that Boss wore a huge black helmet on his head, preventing anyone to see his face. Dex turned to one of the guards that were lined up on the wall.

"Uh, Mister . . ." Dex squinted, trying to read the guard's name on the plaque. " . . . Mr. A... zareeah? Azariah?"

The guard glowered at Dex. "It's pronounced a-za-RYE-ah."

"Whatever, Mr. Azaryeah. Anyways, have you ever seen Boss without his mask on?" Azariah looked over to Boss, making sure he wasn't listening. When he was, he made eye contact with Sophie, signalling her to start a conversation with him. 

(Now in Dex's perspective) (temporarily)

"Uh . . . Hey, Boss? How many guards are there in this palace-thing?" Sophie questioned walking up to him. While they were talking, Azariah turned his attention back to Dex. "Speak a word of this to him and I will hunt you down. The Boss is one of my least favourite people in the universe. Why? Don't ask."

"Well?" Dex asked, annoyed. "Have you seen him without his helmet-mask-thing?"

Azariah sighed and nodded his head. "Yes, I have seen the young master without his mask on."

"Young?" Dex said.

Azariah started to raise his hand to his mouth, but quickly descended it, trying to hide his shock and disappointed in himself. "N-never mind," he spoke too quickly. But Dex didn't bother; he had more questions in mind. 

"What does he look like?" 

"That is classified information."

"Are you sure you can't tell me? Not even a hint?"


"Ugh, well, I bet I can get another one of these guards to spill the info!" Dex said that last part a little too loud, and all the other guards turned their heads to the redhead. "Whoops."

"I think it's time for you to meet my sidekicks," Boss said, rejoining the conversation. Dex shuffled over to Sophie.

(Back to Sophie's perspective)

"How did they become your sidekicks?" Sophie inquired. 

"One day, two lovely teenagers came to me offering their assistance."

"What?" Dex protested. "Just like that?"

"Yep," Boss answered proudly. "Excuse me, Alan, could you go get them for me?" He asked, turning to yet another guard against the wall. How many were there?

"Is every guard's first name literally starting with 'A?'" Dex said while he scanned the guard's plaque with their name on it. Alan. Ace. Ashton. Abel. Adrien. Alex. Alonso. Atlas. Aiden. Ahren. Too many to count. 

A few moments later, there was a knock on the wooden door. "That was quick," Boss said. 

"Uh, Boss, I'm still here." The three turned and noticed Alan standing there, listening to their conversation.

"Well, hurry on, then!" Boss snapped. 

"Geez," Dex said once Alan rushed out the door. "Someone's cranky."

"Well, it's not me!"

They were interrupted by the knocking of the door again. Boss muttered something that sounded like "That better be Alan," before going to answer it. When he opened the door, he made something that sounded like a scowl, then literally slammed the door in that person's face, whoever it was. 

Sophie ran to the door and opened it. "Sorry about that 一 Aspen?" Aspen stood there, with another guard standing diagonally from him. Sophie reminded herself that he was the guard who couldn't stand a simple jog. His plaque shone a very nice name, though, one that reminded her of one of her best friends. Marty

"Oh, hey, Aspen. Marty," Sophie greeted with a quick bow. After realizing her odd gesture, she grew extremely embarrassed. Why did I do that?! They're not royalty; they're guards! 

Sophie opened the door wide, allowing them to come inside, but also earning herself a glare from Boss—at least, she thought so. She couldn't exactly see his face, so . . .

A few minutes later, another knock was heard. Sophie went to answer it again, not sure why no one could simply walk in. It was Alan, followed by . . .

"What . . . ?" Sophie breathed, dumbfounded. 

"Tam? Linh?"  

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