Chapter Thirty: A Note (Final Chapter)

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As Sophie forced her tired hand to lift the spoon of Fruity Whirls into her mouth, she thought back on the night before. She and Biana had spent the entire night laughing and eating Oreos, while Biana explained to Sophie "The Love Triangle." She wasn't entirely keen on being in the center of it all, though. Choosing between Keefe and Fitz would be the hardest decision she would ever make in her life 一 well, not really since Keefe left 一 but she wasn't ready. Not yet. Then her mind wandered to Dex. Dex? She could never see Dex as someone besides her best friend and cousin. That'd just be awkward. 

Suddenly, she heard footsteps and a familiar figure emerged from behind the corner 一 one that she knew quite well. 

"Can I help you?" Sophie asked her 一 by far 一 favourite guard. 

Without replying, Shon handed Sophie a note through the bars. "Here. A note with a discreet warning that this note must be opened by no one but you."

Sophie thanked him, and before Shon turned back, she asked, "Shon? I have a question."

"Shoot," he replied.

"Why are we here? What's the point 一 of all of this?"

"Sorry, Sophie, but that is classified information," Alan answered. 

"But don't we all have a right to know? You kidnapped us and are forcing us to 'train.' What for?"

"Sophie, I'm sorry but I can't tell you." Before Sophie could snap back, Shon literally raced back where he came from. 

"What a coward," Sophie muttered, then thought back on her original question. 

Why were they all trapped here? What's the reason behind all this? Everything that has happened in the past four months: Special Training, Sophie manifesting again, all her friends disappearing . . . . Sophie needed answers. And she needed them now. 

Sophie dragged herself to the Training Grounds and was astounded at what awaited her. "A birthday party? For who?" She asked herself as she scanned the area for Biana. She saw some people dancing, which Sophie found a bit strange since there wasn't even a dance floor; just a space labelled, "Dance Till You Drop!"

Eventually, Sophie spotted Biana . . . with Kylie. Ugh. But Sophie approached them anyway. 

"Hey, Sophie," Kylie gave her a big, cheery smile. 

"You should try some punch," Biana suggested. "It's really good."

Sophie eyed the container. The "punch" looked disgusting. It was purple. "Sorry, B, I'll pass."

Biana frowned, but replied nicely, "Okay! More for me, I guess!"

"I guess," Sophie attempted a laugh but instead made it awkward. 

"So . . . wanna dance?" Kylie asked. 

As if I'd dance with you, Sophie thought. 

"Sorry, Kylie, but I need to borrow Sophie for a minute," said a voice from behind Sophie. She turned around to find . . . Zoe?

"Um, okay," Sophie turned and followed Zoe, not forgetting to give Biana a little wave on her way by. Biana waved back and started to talk to Kylie. Sophie felt a pang of jealousy, watching them chatting and laughing as she followed Zoe for some reason. 

Once they walked a bit and reached a door, Zoe turned to Sophie. "So, it's actually not me who needs to talk to you, but actually a friend of mine."

Zoe pushed the door open, showing Sophie a dark, clear room. The second she placed her foot into the room, a bunch of lights turned on, revealing . . .

"Mr. S?" Sophie asked, walking over to him. 

The boss gave a look of confusion and disgust (due to the nickname), but shrugged it off and commenced. "Hello, Sophie Foster," he replied. 

"Uh, can I help you?"

"Well, no. I just thought that today might be a good time to finally reveal my identity to you. What do you think?"

Sophie scoffed. "About time."

"Excuse me?" Mr. S asked, trying to look offended. 

"You kidnap tons of kids, force them to practice their ability 一 as if we don't do it enough 一 without telling us anything!"

"F-Sophie, listen, you won't need any more explanation after you see who I am. Believe me, it's as frustrating for me as it is for you. Do you think I want to? I don't, but I will. You're the one I trust the most here."

What was that supposed to mean?

"Well, go on then," she said.

And she regretted it so, so much. 

Mr. S 一 no, she couldn't call him that anymore 一 pulled down his hood to reveal . . .


She couldn't even say it. This had to be a dream. It had to. 

Sophie could feel the tears coming, and soon, she felt one plummet down her cheek, which then turned to two and quickly became too many to count. 

Sophie realized that her life wasn't like a fairy tale; the bad guy wouldn't change sides in the end. This was the kind of story that could end very quickly, or last forever. Sophie just hoped that it would end now, in this moment, where the good guys and the bad guys parted ways, never to see each other ever again. 

But it wasn't. It was a reality. 

Her life, and most of all, this moment. 

She had to face it. 

He was never coming back. 

Sophie thought back at all the times she thought this, and all the times they were never true. But this, this was just too horrible for it to be fake. 

The one who cracked jokes at all the wrong times.

The one who was known for his dishevelled blond hair (also known as The Hair) and ice-blue eyes. 

And the one who was her best friend.

Keyword: was.


Hello! This is sadly the LAST CHAPTER of Dreamwatcher. This book was really fun to write, and I hope you keep an eye out for book two, Betrayal!

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