Chapter Twenty Five: Flashback

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"Now," Mr. Forkle said, stretching out his arms and clasping them in front of him. "It's about time you learned the truth about Keefe."

Fitz stood there, mouth agape. What else was there that he didn't know? And even so, how did Mr. Forkle know about it?

"Ah, where shall I begin?" Mr. Forkle asked himself, raising his hand to stroke his imaginary beard. "I know! Let's start way back when Sophie discovered Keefe's secret. You're aware of that, correct?"


"Oh! Um, yes, yes, I remember it very well." 

Why didn't she tell me? Is that the only thing she's been keeping from me?

"Keefe . . . has betrayed us once again, as you can see," Mr. Forkle started. "He made some very unusual friends, two sisters, to be exact. The younger one, Zoe, is currently where Sophie and Dex reside, and the other, M一"

"Do you know where they are?" Fitz asked, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Mr. Forkle shook his head. "No, my apologies. I wish I could say."

He could say? Fitz wondered. Does that mean he knows something?

Mr. Forkle cleared his throat, demanding Fitz's patience. "May I continue?" He asked. Fitz nodded, craving to find out what else Sophie has kept from him this whole time. 

"And Zoe's older sister, Mabel Scott." Mr. Forkle finished


"Wait, Mabel?!" Fitz asked in shock. 

"Yes?" Mr. Forkle adjusted his position in his chair. "Why? Do you know her?"

Should he know?  Fitz wondered. "Um, not really," Fitz lied. "The name just sounded familiar."

Mr. Forkle slowly nodded, like he was suspicious. . . "So, Fitz? Are you ready to continue?" He questioned. 

Fitz nodded, and Mr. Forkle surprisingly sighed. "I have no idea how to explain this. . ."

"Um, could you transmit it to me?" Fitz suggested.

"Good idea. Why didn't I think of it before?"

"Because I thought of it first."

Mr. Forkle stood up and walked over to Fitz, before reaching up to his temple and placing his hands on it. 

What happened after that, well, Fitz had no idea how to explain. So many thoughts and so many scenes started to play out in his head. . . he would've been better off being explained about Keefe than this. 

He saw Mabel, someone who he guessed was Sophie, and most recognizably Keefe. Thankfully, each scene was labelled in its chronological order, oddly. Fitz searched and replayed the scene titled (1).

The school bell rang, signalling the end of school for the day. Maybe I should walk home today? Keefe thought. For the most part of his day, all of his friends were avoiding him. Odd. 

He was strolling through a beautiful meadow of flowers, such as Reveriebells and Splendors. He also noticed that he wasn't the only one deciding to take a walk that day. Squinting his eyes, he could make out two shapes, undoubtedly girls. 

But he immediately whipped his head the other way, the second the two girls looked at him. Peeking back, they started walking over to him. 

Um, I'll just pretend I didn't see them coming,' Keefe thought to himself. Eventually, the duo finally reached Keefe. They both had dark brown hair and tan skin. One, presumably the younger one, wore black glasses and some army green pants with a black tank-top. 

The older one 一 which Keefe thought was way more fashionable, 一 wore a light purple dress that reached the ankles. She flipped her wavy hair out of her face before saying,

"Hello, Keefe Sencen," she said. 

"How do you know my name?" Keefe asked, confused. 

"Let's just say I've heard someone call you that before."

"But I don't even know you!"

"Just stop!" The younger one piped up. "Keefe, if you want to know so bad, meet us here tomorrow after your school finishes."

"But" Keefe was cut off by them ignoring him and walking off.

With a sigh, Keefe turned around and continued his way home, unable to tell anyone anything. 

Mr. Forkle finally released his hands from Fitz's temple. "What did you see?" He asked.

The only word Fitz was able to say was, "A lot." 

"So you know the whole story?" 

"Um, no. I only actually watched the scene labelled (1). I only learned how Keefe met Mabel and Zoe."

Mr. Forkle gasped. "You just reminded me!"

"Reminded you what?" Fitz asked. 

"That you need to go to Paris."

"How can I mention Mabel and Zoe, and then you say that I need to go to Paris?" Fitz asked, scratching his head. 

"Because they'll be there," Mr. Forkle replied. 

Fitz didn't have a response to that. Sure, maybe Sophie and Dex would be there, too, so it'd only make sense if Mabel or Zoe had something to do with it. Right?

"Here," Mr. Forkle interrupted his thoughts by handing him a funny looking Imparter. "Before Dex . . . left . . . I had him make me a teleportation gadget since Sophie is the only one who can truly teleport. He's in the midst of designing a gadget for anyone who can't teleport, specifically the Council."

"Why the Council?" Fitz asked. "Don't they use the LeapMasters?"

"Indeed they do, Fitz," Mr. Forkle responded, "but these are for teleporting to further locations, such as Earth."

"Oh," Fitz answered bluntly. 

Mr. Forkle shot him a suspicious look before continuing on: "This one is still in the middle of being tested, so I'm taking a risk of letting you use it. It's the only thing that can get you to Paris and back."

"Sweet!" Fitz exclaimed, examining the odd-looking Imparter. Without thinking, he absentmindedly punched the large red button in the center of the Teleporter. Mr. Forkle's gasp was interrupted as Fitz faded away.

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