Chapter Four: Fitz and Biana

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"What do you mean he's gone?" Sophie asked, standing up from her bed. "I was just with him yesterday! He was with Fitz." Grady just sat there, thinking about what to say.

"Juline also said that he didn't come home yesterday. Dex told Juline that he was going to be back, yet he never showed up." Silence passed after that.

"I . . . might know where he is," Mabel mentioned.

"You do?" Sophie asked her. "Where?"

"Oh, I forgot to ask," Grady added, "who are you?"

"My name is Mabel Scott ー Mabel Ann-Drew Scott. It's a rather long story, and I haven't quite explained the whole thing to Sophie yet. Maybe we can discuss it some other time? We should focus on finding your friend." Sophie and Grady both agreed with her, then Sophie suddenly had an idea.

"We should search. I'll go see Fitz and Biana; maybe they'll wanna help. And I'll get Tam and Linh, too."

"Good idea," Grady said. "I'll go see the Council." Sophie got out of her bed and started walking to the door.

"Mabel, come with me. I can introduce you to my friends." Mabel nodded, then followed Sophie out the door.

"Let's go see Fitz and Biana first," Sophie said. Once they reached the Leapmaster, Sophie then realized . . . "Wait ー can you even use the Leapmaster?" Sophie turned to Mabel. "Are you even an elf?" Sophie waited for a response ー thankfully she got one.

"Of course I can use it; that's how I got here. And well, I'm not an elf ー not really. I'm kind of like you, Sophie. You could say I'm part human and part elf. My mom was born here as an elf. Her name is Camille. And my dad is a human ー or, was a human. His name is Aaron. He died two years ago."

"I'm sorry," Sophie quickly said. "How?" Mabel inhaled, then exhaled, then inhaled, then exhaled.

"Murder," she eventually responded. Mabel looked very uncomfortable saying that word, Sophie noted. "Anyways, my mom got sent to Earth instead of Exile for breaking a rule. They didn't think she was fit to go to Exile, so they sent her to Earth. She learned their language, their history, everything. But she was still an elf."

"Wow," Sophie said. "That's . . . epic."

"Yeah," Mabel continued, "it is. Anyway, when my mom was on Earth for about a year, she met my dad. She tells me it was 'love at first sight,' which I don't believe. Then, ya dee ya, got married, ya dee ya, had me. The end." Sophie was astounded by all of that.

"What rule did your mom break, by the way? And are you an only child?" Mabel waved her hand in front of Sophie's face.

"Off topic. I'll explain later."

Sophie agreed and just decided to call Fitz. Luckily, he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Soph. What's up?" Sophie cleared her throat, then said, "I'll explain it soon enough. Can you and Biana come over as soon as possible? We need your help." Fitz's face dropped.

"What happened? Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Sophie answered. "We will explain when you come."

"We?" Fitz asked. "Never-mind, we'll be there in a jiffy." Sophie ended the phone call. She turned to Mabel, who was still watching the imparter intently.

"Who was that?" she asked, rather dreamily.

"Um, that was Fitz," Sophie answered, confused. "Why?" Mabel quickly snapped back to her senses.

"No reason!" she responded. "Let's go back to your house. We don't want them getting there before us, do we now?" Mabel started to jog back towards Sophie's house. Sophie sighed.

"I don't understand that girl," she whispered as she followed Mabel.

They returned to Sophie's house exactly two minutes before Fitz and Biana arrived. Sophie was still extremely confused about why Mabel was suddenly acting so weird ever since she saw Fitz. Sophie had tried to think on all (most of) the possibilities: she could've recognized him, or mistaken him for someone else, she could already know him somehow ー which Sophie didn't doubt ー or, the one that Sophie voted for the most, is that she might like him.

But Sophie wouldn't be surprised; she used to like him, but she soon realized that he wasn't her type. Now that she thought about, did she even like anyone? Probably not. It doesn't even matter that much, anyway. Sophie was going to ask Mabel if she likes Fitz, but he and Biana had just shown up.

"Hey, Fitz," Sophie said, walking up to him.

"Hi, Sophie!" Biana said, running up to greet her first.

"Hey, Sophie," Fitz said, walking up behind his sister.

"Hey, guys. There's someone I want you to meet. Her name is Mabel, and she's going to help us."

"What are we even doing anyway?"

"I'll explain later," Sophie answered, looking around for Mabel.

"Mabel! Where'd you go?"

"I can go look for her," Fitz suggested. What does she look like?"

"Believe or not," Sophie said, "she has brown eyes ー like me."

"It's okay, I'm right here," said a voice coming from behind Fitz. Fitz turned around and just stood there, staring at Mabel.

"Um, hello," Mabel said.

"Hi there," Fitz said. "I'm Fitz." Fitz walked up to her and stuck his hand out awkwardly. Mabel took his hand and shook it gently, before backing away. Biana edged closer to Sophie and whispered, "He definitely likes her." Sophie smiled at her assumption.


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