Little London Girl

131 17 36

Y/N's P.O.V

"Ms. Y/L/N, someone's on the phone for you." My secretary tells me as we sit at the backseat of my car.

"Who is it?" I ask her, rolling my eyes. I'm not in the mood to talk to people right now. Hence, the attitude.

"Um, Mr. Reece Bibby." My secretary says nervously. She knows that I'm still a bit sensitive to the topic; a bit sensitive of the thought of him.

Ahh, my beloved ex. I truly did love Reece. Out of all the boys I've met, he's close the only man who treated me like a real woman. Other boys only date me for money. Well, I don't want those people. I wanted Reece. However, I told myself that I would never date the same man twice.

"What does he want?" I ask, acting strong. Damn, he still has that effect on me.

"He didn't tell me, ma'am." My secretary frowns and just hands me the phone. I take the phone in my hands and put it on my ear, "Reece." My voice is firm and strong. It has to be.

"Y/N." Reece says. I can feel him smiling through the phone. He's always been a smiley person.

"Do you want anything?" I ask him. I want things straight to the point. I don't want to be attached to him again. I still haven't moved on. He's probably found someone else, anyway.

"So, um, do you have any job openings? Blake desperately needs a job. You know how his situation is." Reece says sadly.

"Yeah, I know. I need an intern. Will that be okay with Richardson?"

"He can take any job. When does he need to be at your office and what does he need to bring?" 

"I only need a resume and an application letter. He must wear something formal. I trust that he'll be in my building and outside my office door, waiting for me at 9:00 AM." I tell Reece.

"Okay. Thank you so much! He'll be so happy. Okay, I know you're, I'll hang up now. Goodb--"

"Wait! I, uh, I forgot to tell you to tell Blake that he should have my Starbucks drink with him when he gets in my office." I fucking stuttered. Why the fuck did I do that?

"Okay. Still the same order I assume." Reece says. "Venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, sugar free syrup, extra shot, light ice, and no whip."

Aww, he remembers. I smile to myself and say, "Yeah still the same order. Don't forget to tell him."

"I won't. Thanks again and goodbye!" Reece hangs up and I hand the phone back to my secretary.

"Julie Anne, you better not be smiling like an idiot. He's my ex. I won't get back with him." I tell her. She loved it when I was with Reece, because I was so happy. 

"Well, maybe it's fate." Julie Anne, my secretary, shrugs.

"Shut up. Go mind your own business now." I tell her with a slight chuckle before looking out the window whilst getting lost in my own thoughts.

* * * *

A/N: just wait for me to finish my Brad book and let me graduate high school and I'll be updating this hfhjdf

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