You're The Reason Why I Did What I Did

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Blake's P.O.V

After a few days of my daily routine which consists of working and sulking at home, it's finally my day off. Of course, who do I spend it with? Harvey and the gang, as expected. I have no other friends anymore.

I walk to Harvey's house, which was next door, and I ring the doorbell. Harvey answers the door and lets me in before closing the door. I walk in the living room and see that Tom and Brad are there.

Great. Everyone's here... just like I wanted.

"Hey B! Come sit with us." Tom smiles. Brad nods and pats the space next to him. I walk further in the living room and just stand in front of them.

"Mate, now's not the time to block the tv. We're watching Love Island." Brad says, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening in the show.

"Yeah, I'm literally texting all of the things that are happening to Harrison, because he's out of the country at the moment and they don't have Love Island there." Tom says, literally texting Harrison as he speaks.

"Yes, but I really need to say something." I say sounding desperate to be heard. 

Harvey comes in with a bowl of crisps and says, "Let's hear what he has to say. I don't like people bottling up their feelings and that means I want Blake to say anything that's on his mind right now. Love Island can wait. It's just a show."

I give him a thankful smile as he turns off the tv. "Now, say what's on your mind." He says, sitting next to Brad.

I take a deep breath and say, "I just want to say how thankful I am to have you all in my life. The three of you have been immensely kind and welcoming to me. You treated me like a brother and I hope I didn't disappoint. But sometimes I don't completely agree with what you guys do. Y'know flaunting about things too much and buying stuff even though stuff you have are still completely fine. It's starting to take a toll on me and I admit that I've been doing those things too. But what I didn't like the most was how Brad treated George at the mall."

I make eye contact with Brad and he just nods for me to continue, which surprised me, because I honestly thought he would punch the life out of me.

"If George was in your way, you could've told him off nicely. You didn't have to push him and treat him like dirt. You even called him a 'weirdo'. George is a great guy and a great friend, but I was too blinded by everything to see that and I took him for granted." I tell him.

I feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I turn my head only to find Harvey looking at me with a proud smile on his face. "You're doing the right thing." he mouths to me and gives me a thumbs up. I smile at him and nod, a sign that I acknowledge what he said.

"You're just as bad as I am, Blake." Brad speaks up, leaning on the couch and crossing his arms, "You didn't even defend George AND you keep ignoring him and Reece for a long time. Who's the bad guy now?" Brad says with a smug grin on his face.

How dare he sit there acting all smug!

"Yeah, I did some shit too and I'm admitting that now alright?!" I shriek.


Tom just sits there looking back and forth from me to Brad whilst occasionally texting, who I assume to be, Harrison. Harvey just listens, looking at me and Brad from time to time.

I sigh, "Look, I don't want to fight. I just didn't like the way you pushed George and I didn't like the way you've been belittling my friends solely because they have less money than you. I, myself, didn't like the way I've treated them either that's why I'm doing something right." 

"I'm glad I taught you a lesson, then." Brad says, sitting up straight. "That was all an act and I'm glad I've convinced you to change your ways."

"I'm confused." I tell him.

"Well, Blake, I started to notice that you haven't been hanging out with Reece and George for such a long time and I took it upon myself to test you if you'd do the same. Why do you think we always end up buying shit at the mall? Anyway, your whole attitude changed the longer you've been working at that company. If you're thinking that we wouldn't be friends with you if you didn't work there, then you're wrong. We would've became friends either way, because we like your personality. Plus, Harvey's already your friend. The more the merrier, am I right?" Brad explains. 

"That George thing was sort of a low blow and I'm sorry. But I had to do it, because you were straight being cold to him face to face! How would you feel if George treated you like that; if anyone treated you like that? It's like you were stepping on him. I've never belittled your friends, Richardson. You did." he adds.

That's when it hit me. He's right. He and the rest never said anything to belittle my friends. Only I thought of that. I unknowingly belittled them by not hanging out with them and inviting them to places that the lads and I have been to. I feel like the shittiest person in the world.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I ask softly, sitting down on the ottoman across from them.

This time it's Tom's turn to speak up, "To be fair, if he told you, you wouldn't believe him and you'd deny it. So, he had to show you what you've became."

"Thank you for showing me, then. It really opened my eyes." I admit.

"I'm glad it did." Brad chuckles, "I acted on the spot as soon as George mentioned that you haven't been answering his calls or texts."

"It worked, though." I laugh a bit.

"Of course, it did. Tom taught me." Brad says.

"Why didn't Tom act instead?" I ask, curiously.

"I just didn't want to. Brad did a good job, anyway. The next time you do something stupid, I'll act." Tom says.

We all laugh.

"So, what're your plans now?" Harvey asks. 

"I'll confront Reece and George tomorrow." I tell them, "Hopefully all goes well."

"If it helps, Harrison has been talking to them for awhile. He was able to know their agenda tomorrow." Tom pipes up.

"How? And what's their agenda?" I ask.

"They'll be hanging out at George's house for the whole day and Harrison knows Reece. You see, Harrison models for Y/N's company. Long story short, he and Reece have known each other for quite a long time now. Small world." Tom answers.

"Wish me luck tomorrow, then." I sigh.

"Good luck." They all say. Brad turns on the tv and resumes to watch Love Island again. I stand up and sit next to Tom and just watch with them.

This day has been tiring.

* * * *

A/N: i'm alive

-not proofread-

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