Begin Again

216 28 80

Blake's P.O.V

"But on a Wednesday in a café, I watched it begin again..." I sing softly to myself whilst cleaning the table.

I really like this song. It's called 'Begin Again' by Taylor Swift. It matches the vibe of the café I'm working at.

I'm Blake Richardson, by the way. I work at a café near my house. It's not much, but it pays well. My family and I are financially struggling, so I was forced to stop schooling. Although this may excite majority of people because they don't get to do school work, this made me extremely sad. I love studying and going to class. I want to be able to finish my studies to help my family's future. Hence, the reason why I work at this café. If I were still studying, I'd be in university.

But hey, life isn't always the way you want it to be. It's like that for a reason, so we have to accept it and be happy with it. That's why I don't think much about my problems.

"Good morning! Are you ordering your usual?" I greet the elderly couple who just entered the café. They smile and nod. I wash my hands and go behind the counter to make their drinks. After a short while, I serve them their drinks and watch them from afar.

I want something like that. I want what they have. I've never dated anyone for awhile and honestly, I'm not rushing. Love will come around eventually.

Hours go by and my shift is finally over! My boss, the owner of the lovely café that I'm working at, calls me over with a frown on his face. I frown too and ask, "what's wrong?".

"I, uh, I'm closing down the café." My boss says.

"Silly, of course you are! It's closing time." I smile at him innocently, not putting what he said into context.

"I'm closing down for good, kiddo."

"What?" I gasp.

"I'm sorry. It's just that... no one ever comes here, business is slow, and I'm just tired of running this place." My boss sighs.

"Well, you have me! Think about me at least. I've no other job to apply for!" I exasperatedly say.

"You have skills. You should work in a firm or something; you don't belong in a café." My boss says and he hands me my last pay check.

"Listen to me; you'll do great things, kid. Don't disappoint me or your family. This small town like ours need kids like you to thrive and inspire young ones to do great things too. You're a very smart and talented kid. Do something; be someone." He smiles and turns the 'open' sign into 'close'.

This is real heartbreak. I've been working at the café for years now and I've grown to love all our customers; regulars and new ones. How am I going to support my family now?

Anyway I go to the back and gather my things, which aren't even that many, I look around one last time and thank my boss who's been nothing but kind to me and my family. Not once did he yell at me for any mistake that I did. He was very understanding. He's the best boss there is and no one will change that.


I arrive home and to be honest, I've been dreading this. I'm usually excited to go home from work.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my job. I love seeing young people fall in love in that café the old fashion way. I love seeing old married couples eat breakfast there. I love seeing group of friends hanging out and laughing their asses off about something that happened earlier that day. However, there are also things that make me sad in that café. Like, the other day; an old man went in there alone and ate breakfast there and instead of ordering his usual, he ordered his wife's usual instead. It made me sad, because his wife recently passed away and I knew that couple for about awhile and they're really kind and fun people. It just saddens me that he'll never have the same smile he used to have when his wife was still living.

But let's face it, work gets tiring too no matter how much you love or hate your job.

I enter my house and I see my dad fixing something from the ceiling in the living room. I assume it's the leak that's been bugging us lately. I close the door and decide not to bother him. He doesn't like being bothered whilst working on something anyway. I take a peek in the kitchen and see my mum and sister cooking dinner. I smile to myself before going up to my room and change into comfier clothing.

I wonder how they're going to take this news...


We are currently eating dinner and they start engaging in a conversation whilst I just listen and not meddle in the middle of their conversation like I usually do. My mum caught on with me, though.

"Blake, are you okay?" My mum asks me with concern in her voice and eyes.

I look at her and sigh. It's now or never. "The café is closing for good, mum. I've got no job anymore." Great. My voice cracked in the middle of saying it. How wonderful.

"Oh, honey." My mum frowns and gets up to give me a hug. I hug her back and just cry on her shoulder.

"It's okay, son. I'm sure you'll find another job. There are plenty out there!" My dad says, motivating me. He's always been the one motivating me.

"Yeah, B. You have a lot of skills. I'm sure a lot of companies would want you. They'd fight over you. It's not over yet, B." My older sister chuckles lightly, cheering me up.

I pull away from the hug and wipes my tears whilst chuckling a bit, "You're right. It's not over yet. This is just the beginning."

* * * *

A/N: so um yeah yay a new fanfic!

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