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Your P.O.V

Staying in Blake's house is making me super lazy to go to work. So, decided to take a few days off. I need it anyway. I've been so busy with the wedding collection and the baby collection that I haven't had the chance to take a break.

"Hey Abbie, are you doing anything today?" I ask her as we both lay in her bed.

"Nope. Why?" Abbie looks at me.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking that we could have a girls' day out! Is your mum home?" I ask sweetly. Of course I want to bring her mum. I want to thank her for letting me stay in their home.

"Yeah. She's gardening at the back." Abbie says.

"Perfect! The three of us will be going out. Get ready and I'll go tell her." I smile as I leave my shared room with Abbie. She's such a chill person and I'm happy that I get to act normal. When I'm with my 'friends', I tend to sound bitchy. Thank god Reece was there to help me.


That's someone I haven't seen for awhile. I haven't seen him since I took him as my date for Julie Anne's wedding. There's something about him that makes me feel drawn to him. Like, for some reason, I can't get him out of my head.

Anyway, he's my ex now. Why should I worry about him?

Because you still love him, bitch.

My inner voice is right. No matter how much I push him away or no matter how much I deny it, I'll always keep coming back to him, because I love him.

Fuck, love.

I go to the backyard and see Soulla watering the plants. I smile to myself and walk up to her. She's a nice woman and I stay in contact with her even after all this. My mother was never a mother to me. All she cared about was money and fame, she didn't even care about my well-being.

Soulla is more of a mother to me than my own mum will ever be.

"Hey Soulla!" I cheerfully greet her. She turns around and smiles, "Hello!"

"Do you have any plans today?" I ask her, I hope she doesn't have any. I really want to have a girls' day out with her and Abbie. I've grown to love Blake's family more than my own. They're so welcoming and sweet.

"No, I don't have any plans today." Soulla smiles, "Why'd you ask?"

"It's a girls' day out then! I was planning for me and Abbie to go out and have fun, but then I thought of you. I'd love for you to join us." I smile at her.

"Now?" she asks.

"Yes, now." I chuckle.

"Okay, I'll get ready." Soulla says before entering the house. I trail behind her and go up to Abbie's room.

"She's coming with us." I smile. "That's good! I already took a shower this morning, so let me get dressed." Abbie says as she looks through her closet.

"Okay. I'll take a quick shower and then we can leave." I say, grabbing my towel and heading to the bathroom


Blake's P.O.V

"I'm going to shop for new clothes." Brad says. We're all hanging out in Harvey's lounge and we're all bored out of our minds.

"Let's all go. I've nothing to do anyway." I shrug.

With that, we all head to the mall and as soon as we arrive there, I see George. Oh shit. I don't want to see him right now mainly because everything is awkward between us.

Unfortunately, he sees me with Harvey and the gang.

"Hey Blake! If had known that you were coming here, I would've asked you to come with me." George smiles.

"G, I'm kinda with some people already." I scratch the back of my neck to hide my awkwardness. George looks behind me and sees Harvey and the rest, looking at us.

"Maybe we can hang out next time! Remember, we have your little cousin's birthday party? I'm going with you." I offer a small smile.

George frowns a bit, "I was thinking we could hang out even before that. I never get to see you anymore."

"Sorry. We have next time, though." I assure him.

"Yeah, next time." George says.

"Ugh, move over, weirdo. You're blocking our way and we're in a hurry." Brad rolls his eyes and pushes George out of the way. The others follow Brad and I just look at George.

"Sorry about that. I promise I'll--" I get cut off by George.

"No, I get it. I'm not cool enough to be your friend anymore." George smiles sadly. "It's alright if you won't come with me to my cousin's party. You know what? Don't even bother going."

"George--" I frown.

"It was nice seeing you. Hopefully Reece comes back soon so that I have someone to hang out with." George says.

"G, I can hang out with you." I offer.

"No, Blake. I treated you like a brother and it's just sad that you didn't treat me the same way. I'll see you around." George bitterly says before leaving me.

I turn to the direction the lads went and I see Harvey waiting for me. "I'm sorry about Brad. He's easily irritated." Harvey tells me as I approach him.

"It's alright. Our friendship was getting rocky anyway." I sigh. "I'll fix it soon."

"You better. He's a nice guy." Harvey pats my back.

He's very nice and I don't deserve him as a friend. I was a dick to him and he didn't deserve that treatment.

This is the saddest day ever.

* * * *

A/N: filler chapter soz

this book is eligible for wattys2019 and i just wanna say thank u for y'all who've been reading and supporting this book since day 1

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