Oh, You're Here... Wait, What?!

110 13 53

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up with a pounding headache. Geez, I must've drank so much. I look around and see that I'm in my room. Hm, Blake must've told Pemberly, my chauffeur, to bring me home. I wonder where Blake is... I never thanked him. Maybe he went home.

I look around to find my phone, but my bedroom door opens. Expecting to see my maid, I tell her that she could just leave my breakfast in the coffee room and I'll be there in a minute after I call Blake to thank him.

I look up when I don't hear her respond. Then I realized why she didn't respond, it wasn't her. It was Reece.

"What're you doing here? And when did you get here?!" I shriek.

"Last night. Blake called me to help me with you. He said you were drunk talking and kept mentioning my name so, he called me." Reece shrugs and sits down in front of the vanity mirror.

"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have hired h-"

"Hey, he was only trying to help." Reece interrupts me.

"Yeah, but he shouldn't have called you." I tell him, crossing my arms.

"Why not?" He interjects.

"Because... that's not professional. Besides, he should know better. You're my ex."

"You're just trying to look for a reason to make me go away. It's not working, sweetheart. Besides, I've already made you some breakfast." Reece says as he stands up.

"You didn't have to do that. My father hired a chef for me." I tell him as I stretch before standing up.

"Yeah, I know. I told him that I'll cook. Besides, it's his day off today." Reece says. "You know, sometimes I forget that you live alone in this big place."

"Yeah, well it's not my fault that I'm rich." I tease. "Let's go try this breakfast of yours." I add before going to the door to leave.

"Hey, get dressed in comfier clothes. Trust me." Reece chuckles. "See ya in a bit."

He goes down before I say anything else. I roll my eyes and go to my closet to find something to wear. I finally decided with silk pajamas. 

I get my phone before going down and meet Reece at the coffee room

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I get my phone before going down and meet Reece at the coffee room.

I enter the coffee room and I see him on the couch whilst looking far in the distance

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I enter the coffee room and I see him on the couch whilst looking far in the distance. He sips his coffee and just looks; as if he's thinking about something.

"Hey, what're you looking at?" I ask, sitting across from him and taking a sip of my coffee.

"Nothing special. I just miss going around your backyard." Reece says before taking a bite of bread.

"Hm. Well, we could go there after I shower. I feel so filthy." I tell him in an annoyed manner.

"May I join you?" Reece teasingly asks.

"I don't know. Do you want to?" I smirk making him choke his drink. I laugh and hand him some tissue.

"Anyway, you can use the guest room bathroom." I finish my breakfast and stand up. "Just leave it here. I'll tell Linda to clean it up."

"Okay." Reece shrugs and stands up. We exit the coffee room and I see Linda. "Linda, would you be a dear and clean up in the coffee room, please? Thank you." I smile before going to the my bedroom.


"Wow, you look all summer-y!" Reece smiles

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"Wow, you look all summer-y!" Reece smiles.

"Wow, you look all summer-y!" Reece smiles

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"Thanks! You too!" I exclaim.

"Wow, I feel so under dressed

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"Wow, I feel so under dressed." Reece chuckles lightly.

"It's alright." I laugh. "It's just my backyard, anyway." I shrug.

"Just your backyard?! You really are something else." Reece shakes his head and smiles as we start walking around.

"To be honest, you've never dated anyone like me." I say with a smug look on my face.

"That's actually really true." He nods.

God, I've missed him. He was the best boyfriend I've ever had. He's an amazing guy. Any girl would be lucky to have him. He's a gentleman. I loved him, and I still do. I just hope he still feels the same way. I'm more than willing to break the promise I made for myself just for him.

Reece's P.O.V

I still love her.

* * * *

A/N: here's a super late birthday update from me since yesterday was my 19th birthday. Thanks to everyone who greeted!

A very special thank you to ReeceGeorgeBlake for giving me a birthday present! I love you <3

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