Change Doesn't Look Good On You

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Blake's P.O.V

Y/N is no longer staying with us, because her palace-like house is already cleared, so she's back to staying there. To be honest, she was really fun to live with. She's always treating to expensive shit too. I mean, we don't ask for it. She just does that out of the goodness of her heart. I found out that she's a really down to earth person, despite all the money she has. Reece was right, she's the most misunderstood person you'll ever meet. Now that I work with her, I'm starting to realize how fun she could be. I want to be able to be friends with her for a long time... being more than friends would be good too.

But we can't be more than friends. She has Reece and they have strong feelings for each other.

Instead of wallowing in sadness and self-pity, I started to do what Brad did in order to be stress free. I started to shop for things that I didn't even need. I started to act real confident too. Of course, Brad was with me every step of the way. He said that I was doing alright and that it's okay to pamper yourself sometimes.

I've seen George a couple of times at the mall with Reece or on his own, but I never had the guts to approach him. He doesn't see me looking at him, but that's alright. He's happier and he's doing better.

Good for him.

I confidently walk into work today and and Y/N notices, "Where's this confident attitude coming from, Mr. Richardson?"

I give her a smirk, a facial expression I've been doing a lot recently, and say, "My outfit. Brad helped me in picking it out and he said I look good in it. It's also proper for work." I give her a little turn for her to see the whole outfit and she nods, "You do look great." She smiles before giving me my task for today.

At lunch break, I've decided to meet up with Harvey and the gang at this new restaurant in town. It's rumored to be really expensive, but we'll be the judge of that.

After all, I'm big time now. I got a decent job and a high pay. What's not to love? 

I arrive at the restaurant and the receptionist takes me inside. The place is really fancy and thank god I'm dressed for it. It's Gucci, at the end of the day.

The lads holler when they see me and I sit on the empty seat next to Harvey. He smiles at me and says, "You look great, mate. New wardrobe, I assume?"

"You assumed correctly." I say and they all lightheartedly chuckle. "Anyway, I'm starving. Shall we order?"

Tom nods, "We shall!" 

After ordering a lot with our heart's content, we talk about random things before Tom asks me, "So, how're your friends?"

I look at him with a sly smile, "My friends? They're right here; dining with me at the newest and fanciest restaurant in town."

Harvey frowns a bit but I choose to let it slide. Tom and Brad laugh to themselves before Tom speaks up again, "No, I meant your other friends. What are their names?"

"I think it starts with an R?" Brad says, his face contorting in confusion.

"You mean, Reece and George." Harvey says, as he takes a sip of water. "So Blake, how are they? I haven't seen them pass by your place for a long time. Please enlighten us." Harvey says, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms whilst looking at me intently.

He knows full well that my friendship with them isn't good at the moment, especially with George. It's not his business anyway. Why's he acting like he's the one who's hurt?

"To be honest with you, I haven't seen them for a long time. They're probably doing well and that's good for them. I haven't got the time to hang out with them." I shrug. The two, Tom and Brad, seem satisfied with my answer. I smile to myself and I look at Harvey, who's shaking his head in disappointment, but stays silent.

The food arrives and it's the most delicious food I've ever eaten. It was like the food of the gods. It was perfect. For dessert, we each got a slice of cake and it was also tasty. We all pitched in to pay the bill to be fair, before going in separate ways. I have to go back to work, anyway.

There's nothing to do for the rest of the day so I've decided to just go home with Y/N's permission of course. I go to the mall and walk around to see if I want anything. An hour later, I'm walking around the mall with five shopping bags from different high end stores. 

I start to become hungry again so I look around for somewhere to eat and I bump into someone, making their hot sauce stain my expensive Gucci coat. I look down at it in shock and angrily say, "Do you not realize how expensive this is?! You've ruined it! This coat is two thousand two hundred pounds!"

(a/n: I checked Gucci's UK based website for it to be accurate :') pls appreciate my research)

I grab a handkerchief from my pocket to 'try' and clean the mess that this person has made. It left a stain that's not really noticeable, but it's still a stain nonetheless. "I don't even know if this'll come off! Now, I smell like-like whatever you're eating!" I say in annoyance.

"Wow. You really did change." a familiar voice says. I look at the person I bumped into and see Reece holding a burrito. I've never seen him since the wedding. He looks okay and he looks healthier; gained a bit of weight and that's good for him.

"Reece. It's you. I--"

"Yeah, it's me. If you found out that it was someone else who bumped into you and stained hot sauce on your coat, you would probably ask for that person to pay to you back. Since it was me, you've decided to be all buddy-buddy like nothing happened." Reece says. Only this time, he's the angry one.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Reece deeply sighs and says, "This isn't you, Blake! You weren't like this before! You didn't care about anything you wore! You didn't care about money! You only cared about what's best for your family and you cared about your friends, your real friends. Not the snotty rich boys you've been hanging out with. Now, all you care about is yourself!"

Silence. Was my attitude really drastically changing?

We look at each other before Reece speaks up again, "I don't even know who you are anymore." He shakes his head and continues, "When George told me about what happened with your rich boy friend, I didn't believe him when he said that you didn't defend him. I told him that you would never turn his back on him after all the things he's done for you. But now that I get to see your boastfulness and arrogance with my own two eyes? George was right. You really did change. Don't talk to us. Don't talk to George and don't even come near him. If you do, you'll have to go through me first. We both know that he's had a bad experience with his old friends. That's when we met him, remember? We've been best friends ever since. Now that things have changed, don't come near me or him. Talk to us when you're the old Blake again; we want him back and we want him back now."

He shakes his head walks away, but stops. He looks at me and his burrito. As expected, he rubs the burrito on my, now, messy coat. "That's for not defending George when he needed you most. Thanks to you, the trio is down to a duo. And honestly? It's MUCH better."

He walks away, leaving me with a hot sauce stained coat with some grease smeared on it as well. I look like shit, I smell like a burrito, and I've officially lost my two best friends.

That's enough to make me feel like the worst person on the planet.

* * * *

A/N: oof long time no update

-not proofread-

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