Moving Day

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Blake's P.O.V

Today's moving day and I'm not sure how this'll go. Y/N only brought a few things that can fit one suitcase. She even told me that she's excited to learn new things at my house. Honestly? She's going to learn a lot.

"Mum! Dad! We're here!" I yell as we enter the house. Y/N comes in with her suitcase and looks around with shock on her face. My mum and dad emerge from the kitchen to see Y/N. Mum immediately fixes herself and wipes her hands on her apron whilst dad fixes his hair.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Richardson! I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Please, call me Y/N." Y/N smiles as she walks up to my parents to shake their hands.

"It's so nice finally meet you! Blake has been talking about you a lot." mum tells her. I blush and shake my head. Y/N looks at me and chuckles, "All good things I hope."

"I don't talk bad about other people." I chuckle. "You're sharing a room with my sister, Abbie. Is that okay?" I ask, in case she doesn't want to.

"I get to share a room? That's cool! I've never done that before. I get to have a roommate!!" Y/N exclaims in glee.

Abbie comes down the stairs and smiles, "You must be Ms. Y/L/N. I'm Abbie! Blake's older sister. I suppose, you've been told that we'll be sharing a room together."

"Yes we will. Please, call me Y/N." Y/N smiles. "Just treat me like a friend when I'm here." she adds.

"Does this mean I can call you 'Y/N' when you're here?" I ask, just to be clear. After all, she's still my boss. I need to know how far I can go without crossing the line.

"Yes, you may call me Y/N whilst we're here." Y/N chuckles.

I clap my hands together and say, "Alright then, Y/N! Abbie will show you to your shared room!" Y/N grabs her suitcase as Abbie takes hold of her hand and pulls her upstairs to their, temporary, shared room.

Your P.O.V

"It's not much, but I hope you enjoy your stay." Abbie tells me as soon as we enter. Her room is a lot more small compared to mine. The walls are painted in nude pink with white geometrical patterns. There's a big mirror in the corner of her room and a small closet to fit her clothes in. There's a mattress on the floor and I frown. I put down my suitcase and turn to Abbie. Noticing the frown on my face, her eyebrows knit together and asks, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. I just, uh, is that where you sleep?" I ask, stammering whilst nodding at the mattress that's situated on the floor. I don't want to sound rude. I just want some clarification. I don't want to start a new friendship by stepping on the wrong foot.

She looks at the mattress and nods, "Yeah. Is there a problem?"

"Of course not. I just wanted to make it clear. I've never slept on something like that before. This'll be a new experience for me." I chuckle lightly. "Where can I put my suitcase?" I ask.

"Oh, my bad. Just put it by the closet. You can change into comfier clothing if you want. By the way, mum's asking what you want for dinner." Abbie tells me.

"About that... I, uh, I kinda made reservations at a restaurant already." I bite my lip, nervously.

"Oh. I'll just tell her that you won't be joining dinner, then." Abbie says sadly. What?

"No, what I meant to say was, I've made reservations at a restaurant for us. That's why I'm not changing into comfier clothes yet. You can tell them while I pick out your outfit!" I smile. I've always wanted a sister.

Abbie smiles gratefully and thanks me before running off to her parents to inform them about dinner. I look through Abbie's closet to find her a dress to wear. I pull out a dress from her closet and put it on the mattress.

Abbie comes back after 2 minutes and says, "They're all getting ready now."


I let them order what they want and I think it's safe to say that we're all having fun. I got to know Blake's family more and I get to see the side that I normally don't see at work. He looks like he really loves his family and I see their close bond.

I just wish my family and I are like this. I'm so lucky when it comes to being well-off and not having to worry about what I'll eat for the next few days, but I'm not so lucky when it comes to my family. Why do you think I keep dating different guys?

After dinner, we all go home and Abbie and I get ready for bed. "Thanks for dinner tonight, Y/N. We really appreciate it." Abbie smiles before laying down on her side of the bed.

I lay down next to her and smile back, "Hey, it's no problem. It's just a way of giving back. Think of it as a 'thank you' for letting me stay here." 

"Well, you're welcome. Make yourself at home. Good night, Y/N." Abbie yawns.

"Good night, Abbie." I smile and drift off to sleep.

* * * *

-not proofread-

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