I'll Stay With You

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Blake's P.O.V

After 2 weeks and 3 days, I'm finally back at work. I'm feeling good today and I feel fresh. I bought Julie Anne her favorite juice drink and her usual sandwich and I bought Y/N her favorite drink, the super long named one, and a cinnamon roll, because she's been eating a lot of those recently.

She's not pregnant; god, no. It's just her new favorite pastry at the moment. You should've seen her last month with all those blueberry muffins. She had an argument with a guy for it. Seriously. IT WAS JUST A MUFFIN.

Anyway, I pass by Julie Anne's desk and notice that she hasn't arrived yet. To be fair, I'm quite early. I put her drink and sandwich on her desk and write a note on one of her sticky note pads and stick it on the side of her drink.

Good morning, J.A!

Hope ur honeymoon was gr8. I figured I'd buy u breakfast. Enjoy!

your "younger brother",

Blake x

I walk into Y/N's office with a huge smile on my face. I'm quite excited to give her the breakfast I bought for her. She's not on her desk, working on something. I just shrug and leave the food on her desk. She must be in the walk-in closet fixing her make up or something.

"Ms. Y/L/N?" I call out, still standing by her desk. "I'm here now."

Just as I suspected, she comes out of the walk-in closet, but she's not dressed in her work attire. She's wearing a bathrobe and I blush before looking away. It's not proper to be looking at her whilst she's dressed like that.

"Hi, Richardson. I'm so sorry for looking like this. In fact, I left the house looking like this, because one of my maids found PESTS in MY house! Geez, how can there be pests?! So now, I can't be staying there, because of stuff and the people who work at the pest company thing said so." she freaks as she sits on her 'throne'.

And by 'throne', I mean, her spinning chair thing.

"So... what will you do now?" I ask, sitting across from her.

"Find a place to stay for like a few weeks or so." she sighs and looks down. We sit in silence until I decided to speak up. Unfortunately, she started to speak too.

"I bought you breakfast."

"What if I stay with you?"

We look at each other and I say, "What?"

"What if I stay with you? I mean, you're my personal assistant and everything!" she explains like it's the most brilliant idea she has. She takes a sip of her drink and opens the paper bag to see the cinnamon roll in it. She smiles as she sees it. "Thanks for the brekky! I haven't eaten anything."

"Yeah, no problem." I nod. "Why can't you stay with Reece?" I ask hesitantly.

She immediately blushes as she takes a bite of her cinnamon roll. She stays quiet for a second before she answers, "Because we're not associated with each other anymore."

"But you guys were really close at Julie Anne's weekend." I smirk. She's not getting away from this.

"Shut it, Blake. I just don't think it's right, because we aren't together. Besides, if you do this, I'll give you a raise." Y/N beams.

Damn, she's pretty.

"You do realize that I'm poor, right? You won't get used to the stuff we have." I tell her. This isn't right. She should be with Reece. "If you stay with Reece, he'll take care of you really well."

"I'm a strong, independent, woman. I don't need a man to take care of me, because I can do that on my own. Besides, he'll be out of the country with his family." Y/N says before sipping her drink.

"Fine. You can stay." I sigh, pretending that it's a bad thing, but SHE CHOSE ME. So, Reece I'm sorry, but you're temporarily out of the picture.

"Great!" Y/N beams as she takes a bite of her cinnamon roll, "You're getting a raise."

I slowly nod and thank her. She tells me that she'll be 'moving in' tomorrow after work. Man, I have to tell my family what the plan is. I escort myself outside and see Julie Anne already eating her breakfast. She looks at me and smiles, "This is amazing! Thanks B!"

"No problem." I smile back and sit on my desk.

Well, shit. I wonder how tomorrow's going.


"Okay, so what's the plan?" my dad asks.

I told them earlier that Y/N will be temporarily moving in tomorrow.

"We don't have a guest room, Blakey. Your room WAS the guest room." mum says.

"She can stay in my room, then. I'll stay with Abbie." I decide.

"She won't survive in your room. You stink." Abbie chuckles. I glare at her.

"She can stay with me." Abbie says.

"Fine. My room's a mess, anyway. So, she'll stay with Abbie. Hopefully she doesn't bring a lot of stuff." I silently pray that she doesn't. 

"Look at the bright side; she'll give you a raise. You can finally buy a proper bed!" Abbie pats my back.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right. I'm never wrong, B." Abbie tells me before going to her room. "I'll fix my room now!" she calls out.

"By the way, George was looking for you while you were away. He's asking if you want to attend his little cousin's birthday party." mum says as she slices some onions.

"Oh. I haven't seen him since a few months ago when he and Reece slept over." I tell her. "Yeah, I'll go. I'll just text him."

I mean, I can't avoid G forever. He's still my best friend. I'm just not used to seeing him anymore, because I've hung out with Harvey and his friends for awhile.

I pull out my phone and text George that I'll be going with him at his little cousin's birthday party. He immediately replies.

Hey dude! haven't heard from u for AGES hahaha! anyway, thanks for coming w/ me. I appreciate it. Miss u :(((

I choose to not open it and just watch meme videos on YouTube to kill time while waiting for my mum to finish cooking.

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