A Ditched Day Off

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Blake's P.O.V

It's been three weeks since I've started working here and it's tiring. Who knew working in the fashion industry is tiring? But it's really cool as well. I get to go to studios and I get to help pick out colors for new collection and get this... I get to say that I'm "working in the fashion industry" which sounds AWESOME and really professional.

I get to tag along at parties too. After all, I'm Y/N's personal assistant and wherever she goes, I go too. Except the bathroom and her home, obviously. Also, she pays me a large amount of money. George thinks it's a reasonable amount, but if you're in my shoes, you'd understand.

Anyway, today's my day off and I can do whatever I want! I was thinking of going out with George and Reece. But Reece told me that he's out on a date and George said that he's not in the mood to go out with me, because he sees me all the time.

Geez. They're my only friends. Who can I possibly hang out with? My neighbor, perhaps? Maybe. I'll try.

My neighbor is this guy named Harvey. He's really cool and stuff. We grew up together. He sings and he dances really well. He's also super kind. He and his friends are really cool. I've hung out with them once or twice, but usually it's just me and Harvey when his friends and my friends are out somewhere.

I get out of bed and get ready for today in just a really comfy outfit. After all, I'm just going next door and I'm not impressing anyone. I leave my phone too, because no one's gonna text me anyway and I'm on my day off.

 I leave my phone too, because no one's gonna text me anyway and I'm on my day off

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"Blake, where are you going?" my mum asks as I descend the stairs. I look at her and smile, "I'm going next door."

"Oh at the Cantwell's? That's lovely, honey. I think it's great that you're going out with different people." she smiles.

That sounds wrong, but okay.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll be back soon!" I tell her.

"Take your time, sweeite. You're just next door." she shrugs.

Wow. I love freedom.

Anyway, I start my very short, less than a minute walk to Harvey's house. I knock on the door and to my surprise, one of his friends answer it.

"Hey Blake!" he smiles. His name is Tom Holland. He's really talkative and he likes to make jokes. I don't laugh at his jokes. I laugh at him, because he laughs at his own jokes. I just want to make that clear.

"Come in!" he says way too enthusiastic that ever. I smile and thank him before coming in. He gestures for me to follow him in the living room and I see Harvey and his other friend, Brad Simpson.

 He gestures for me to follow him in the living room and I see Harvey and his other friend, Brad Simpson

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