Women's Advice

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Blake's P.O.V

I didn't feel like showing up at work today after bumping into Reece yesterday at the mall. There's a chance that Reece might've told Y/N about everything. But there's also a chance that he hasn't told her anything. I wish he didn't, because I don't want her to think that I'm such a dick to my friends.

Regardless, I sigh to myself and enter Y/N's building. I have to show up so that I can get paid and do errands. I'm her PA after all. I walk to the elevator and press the 20th floor. A minute later, I arrive on the 20th floor and get out of the elevator. 

I pass by Julie Anne who's working and I enter Y/N's and see her sipping her drink; her supercalifragilistic long named drink, whilst sitting on her desk.

"So glad of you to finally arrive. Take a seat." Y/N sternly says. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a seat across from her.

"Reece called me." She says. I played dumb and tell her, "Oh? That's n--"

"Shut the fuck up and listen. He told me that your ego grew and that he's very disappointed in you. Would you mind telling me why, Reece Jamie Bibby, called me to tell me all those things? What happened?" she asks, leaning back on her seat.

I sigh and tell her everything from the moment we had the sleep over up until the time I saw Reece which was yesterday. She listens intently and when I finished my story, she sighs disappointingly.

"Okay, thanks for telling me everything. It's my turn to talk now." she says. I look at her and nod. "It's okay to flaunt your money and be proud of what you have, because you earned it. But what's not good is not looking back from where you came from; not looking back to where you started. All your flaunting will look like arrogance if you just keep showing it off for no reason. Like, no one even asked you to do that." Y/N says, "You may go now."

I nod and mumble a small 'thank you', before going on with my day, continuing the work I've done yesterday. The words Y/N said to me just stuck with me through the rest of the day until I went home.

I go straight to my room after telling my mum that I won't be eating dinner. I lost my appetite after everything that's happened. I'm too sad to eat dinner and that's rare because eating makes me feel better. As of now, it doesn't. I don't think anything would make me feel better.

I lay on my bed after changing into comfier clothing and scroll through Instagram. I like some posts and I'm beginning to get bored. With a heavy sigh, I refresh my Instagram feed. Funny enough, the first post that pops up is a picture of George and Reece. George just posted it and I look at the caption. Turns out they're on holiday together at Bristol.  

Well, at least they're having fun.

Someone knocks on my door and in comes my mum with a soft smile on her face. She sits down next to me and asks, "Why didn't you join us for dinner? Is something wrong?" 

I tell her everything I told Y/N. I even told her what Y/N said to me. My mum just sits there and listens, nodding from time to time. After I'm done, we both stay silent. 

"Mum, please say something. I don't know what to do and I'm so lost." I cry. She looks at me with sympathy. "I don't even know who I am anymore." I sniff.

"You know, Y/N's right. I noticed that you changed too. I just didn't tell you or confront you about it, because I wanted you to figure out for yourself." mum tells me. I look at her with tears streaming down my face. 

"You know, you shouldn't change yourself just because your lifestyle is slowly changing into something you're not completely used to. Money can change everyone but it's up to you if you want to be the same person you were even before all the money came in." she continues.

"You're right." I tell her.

"Of course, I am. I'm your mum." she chuckles. She gets up and heads to the door. She looks at me and says, "You should say sorry to Reece and George; especially George. Tell them you're sorry in person." Then, she left my room.

I think about what Y/N and what my mum said. I just let it sink in and I agree that I should say sorry. Not now, though. I'm not ready and I want them to feel that my words would come from the bottom of my heart. I want to be completely sincere when I apologize. For now, I'll this whole thing die down first before doing anything. I don't want another burrito stained shirt and I don't want Reece yelling again.

* * * *

A/N: lol it's been awhile sorry abt that 

I've just been updating WTTC a lot.

About the picture on top: that's Y/N and Soulla's face when Blake messed up

-not proofread-

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