Wedding Day Realization

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Blake's P.O.V

Today's the day that Julie Anne will get married to her boyfriend of 5 years. That's a long time to be in a relationship with someone. Geez. The longest I've been in a relationship with someone was 1 year; I grew sick and tired so I broke it off with her. Besides, I don't have any time to focus on a girl.

The wedding ceremony is over and we're now at the reception. It's at this beautiful garden with flowers and all that. The food is amazing. I have no plus one, so I'm here all alone. Y/N isn't alone, though. Her plus one is, surprisingly, Reece.

They're both looking like a proper couple today. His hand on her waist with a glass of champagne on the other. She's smiling when she speaks to their mutual friends and they all laugh together occasionally. Reece looks at her like she's the most precious thing in this world. 

And guess what?

She is. She's the most precious girl I've ever met. She may come across as someone mean or bitchy, but isn't everyone like that too? She's really kind if people would only give themselves a chance to get to know her.

Lately, I've been thinking about her and she just can't seem to get out of my head. I'm always in a good mood whenever I'm with her. I seem to talk about her non stop to my friends and I think they're slightly annoyed about it; they just don't tell me because they don't want to hurt my feelings. I always find myself staring at her and when she looks back, I obviously look away.

Thinking about her like this makes me feel weird and I don't know why I'm feeling this way. Whenever I ever so slightly glance at her with Reece, I feel so hurt. I know it's wrong of me to think this way, because I know that Reece is still in love with her and she feels the same way despite ignoring her feelings.

I just sigh and look away. I decided to tweet:

@/blake_rich: ok but why do i always think of the same girl everyday and not get tired to talk abt her?? and why am i always catching myself smiling for no reason? 

A few of my friends start to reply to what I just tweeted and they all said one thing:

"Mate, you're in love."

Me? In love? No way. I was never the type to fall in love. I've loved someone before, but I wasn't totally in love with them, maybe it was just mad infatuation. However, I'm not in love... At least I think I'm not.

Just then, Reece sits next to me.

"Hey mate!" Reece says with a huge smile on his face. I smile back and say, "Hey!"

"Where's Y/N?" I ask as I look around for her.

"Oh, she went to the loo. She said something about freshening up and retouching her make up. She honestly doesn't need it, though. She's beautiful all the time." Reece says, looking like he's on cloud nine.

"By the way, you look great." Reece compliments me. I chuckle lightly and tell him, "Thanks, but you look better."

"Nah, I think it's all equal." Reece chuckles. "Anyway, I see her going out now. I'll catch up with you in a bit. Bye!" with that, he stands up and leaves me alone again. Knowing him, he won't be coming back to catch up with me. He'd be too invested with the lovely girl he's with.

I'd be too. If I were in his place, I'd definitely do everything he's doing right now. Sad part is, I won't be him and I will never be him.

I get that we're two different people, but I don't mean it that way. I will never be him in the sense that, I'll never be the one she runs to when she's alone or scared or sad. I will never be him in the sense that, I won't be invited to her place just to keep her company. I will never be him especially when I know that they're starting over again with her pride going down. I will never be him especially now that Reece wants to take their relationship to the next level.

They're made for each other and it saddens me that I'm not the one who she's meant to be with. They're both in love with each other. She's in love with him. Reece is in love with her.

Reece, my best friend, the guy I treat as my brother, is in love with the girl I'm also in love with.

Yes. I'm finally admitting it.

I'm in love.

I'm in love with Y/N Y/L/N.

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