First Day

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Blake's P.O.V

I'm on my way to my first day at work. How did that happen? Well, I went back two days ago and gave Y/N, the CEO, a real answer as to why she should hire me. She seemed to like my answer and I guess she thought I was worthy enough to get the job, because here I am!

Anyway, I don't know what's in store for me today. I'm honestly scared. She's so different as a boss than as a friend. You see, back when she and Reece were dating, she treated me and George really well; we were like best friends. She would even ask me to go shopping with her if neither Reece nor George were available. But then they broke up. Reece was a mess and George and I felt bad that he was feeling that way. After all, they were together for nearly 3 years. Plus, Reece was sure that she's the one for him. He didn't care about all the money she had. Reece loved her for her and I think that's beautiful.

I hope Reece finds a love that he deserves someday.

I'm currently walking in the hallway of the 20th floor, on the way to Y/N's office when I hear Julie Anne, Y/N's secretary, gasp. I look at her, lean over her desk, and ask, "What's wrong?"

"You're wearing brown." she answers. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What's wrong with that?" I ask her.

 "What's wrong with that?" I ask her

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"Ms. Y/L/N absolutely DISLIKES the color brown. You're lucky she just dislikes it... wait 'til you show her the color yellow." Julie Anne says.

Julie Anne is really nice and I like her. She's like an older sister to me around the office; always telling me what to do and what not to do. She guides me all the time. Sometimes I see her being picked up by her fiance during lunch break and after work. She's a really great person.

"Will she fire me for wearing this?" I ask, worried I might lose this job before I even start.

"No, she won't. Just don't wear it all the time. We don't want her angry." Julie Anne says before answering a call. I sigh in relief and knock on Y/N's door. I hear a faint "come in" so, I go inside.

She's in a call with someone and she's wearing a really classy outfit. Reece must've felt like a million bucks back when they used to date.

 Reece must've felt like a million bucks back when they used to date

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