Welcome To The Rich Life, My Friend

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Blake's P.O.V

I'm packing my things for my trip to the Philippines with the lads tomorrow. We're celebrating Tom's birthday and it's long overdue, because stuff came up but he we are! On our way to the Philippines. I heard the weather is super great and I'm excited for this two week vacation.

I kinda feel bad that I'll be leaving Y/N behind, because Julie Anne is currently on a two week vacation too, but she has Reece anyway and he's not doing anything so I'm sure he'd be glad to help.

I'm surprised Y/N allowed me to even go. I was super worried that she wouldn't let me. I've never been out of the country before and I wouldn't let this free travel go. Tom paid for ALL of our expenses and he said it was, and I quote, his "birthday blowout".

"Um, Ms. Y/L/N?" I asked quietly. She looked at me before stopping what she was doing, "Yes?" 

"M-My friend, Tom, is celebrating his birthday out of the country for t-two weeks a-and he,uh, he invited me. I-Is it okay if I'll go?" I stuttered. 

She laughed and said, "Richardson, I'm not allowed to meddle with your decisions. I couldn't even care less whether you're going or not. Just file for a leave and I'll accept it. Besides, you deserve this break. You and Julie Anne have been working too hard. I'll even give you three extra days for your leave just like Julie Anne, so you can get over that jetlag. Enjoy!" 

Just as I finish packing, my phone rings. I check my phone and see Tom'c caller ID. I smile and answer it, "Hey! What's up? I'm done packing."

"Oh, cool! I just called to ask that. I also called to ask if you want a lift. Harvey can't give you a ride, because he'll be coming to the airport from his nan's house." Tom explains.

"No wonder I haven't seen him for awhile...." I trail off.

"Yeah. He's been there since last week. Anyway, I'm telling my chauffeur that we'll pick you up tomorrow. Our flight is at 8am so you gotta get ready early." Tom chuckles.

"Of course, I'll be early." I chuckle. "Hey man, thanks for this."

"Bro, you've been thanking me non stop. Honestly, it's fine. By the way my childhood best friend, Harrison, is coming too. He's really cool and down to earth. We'll meet him tomorrow." Tom says.

"Okay. I'm looking forward to it!" I say hiding the nervousness in my voice.


"A PRIVATE PLANE?!?!" I practically yell as soon as we arrive. "Holy shit." I mutter to myself. The others just shake their heads and smile. We head to the entrance and see that the door is open and out comes a guy with a large grin on his face.

"Happy late birthday, mate!" he smiles as he descends the stairs to give Tom a hug and a pat on the back. He pulls away and greets the others. He turns to me, smiles, and offers a handshake, "I'm Harrison. You must be Blake. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

I smile back, feeling my nerves at ease, "It's so nice to finally meet you too!" I shake his hand before he leads us in the private plane.

I smile back, feeling my nerves at ease, "It's so nice to finally meet you too!" I shake his hand before he leads us in the private plane

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We enter and I'm looking around in awe. Everyone settles down and I sit next to Harvey who pats my back. We all have a chat and a butler starts serving us fancy breakfast. I say 'fancy', because I've never seen so much food before. 

I'm so overwhelmed with everything

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I'm so overwhelmed with everything. I feel like I don't belong here, honestly. McDonald's is fine with me, but these guys are so different. After all, they're used to this lifestyle. I'm surprised that Harvey is friends with me. We start to eat and just casually talk about random stuff.


HOURS LATER, we finally arrive at Amanpulo, Palawan, Philippines. It looks absolutely breathtaking here. I want to bring my family here.

It's 10pm right now and we're so tired

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It's 10pm right now and we're so tired.

"I want some snacks before heading to bed." Brad says. We all agree, but decide to set our things down in our rooms first. Tom rented out two villas; one for himself and one for all four of us. There's no 5-bedroom Villa, so Tom just rented a 4-bedroom Villa for us and a 1-bedroom Villa for himself. I mean, he's the birthday boy after all. He deserves his own room.

After setting our things down and picking our rooms, we go to Tom's Villa and make ourselves comfortable on the outdoor divans. Tom comes out of his room and joins us. A butler approaches us, the butler comes with the whole package thing, and asks us what we want. We all tell him and he says that he'll be back with our orders and he'll make sure the chef cooks the best food.

The chef also comes with the package.

"We should explore the whole place tomorrow. Let's swim or surf or something." Harvey says tiredly.

"I'm down for anything." Brad shrugs.

"Harrison is really adventurous and daring. So, he might suggest daring stuff to do." Tom says to me quietly. I just nod, I don't know what to say. All my life I've been working, so I wouldn't know the real meaning of 'fun'.

"They have scuba diving, snorkeling, kite surfing, kayaking, and other sea sports stuff." Harrison says whilst looking on his phone. Hmm, he must be on the website. "Kite surfing sounds fun. I'll try that tomorrow." he adds, tiredness lacing through his voice.

"Count me in." Brad says.

"Me too." Harvey says.

"Same." Tom adds. 

All four lads are now looking at me and I just shrug and say, "I'm down." They all smile and cheer and our food arrives. We happily eat everything and us four go back to our Villa after saying 'good night' to Tom and that we'll see him in the morning.

As we're walking back, Harvey walks beside me and pats my back. I look at him and give him a small smile. He smiles back and says, "Welcome to the rich life, my friend."

Rich life? I'm one of them now? Holy shit.

* * * *

A/N: Search up Amanpulo, Palawan, Philippines. It's legit so beautiful and the water is so blue and clean. Tell me what you think.

It's more fun in the Philippines.

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