Looking For A Job

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Blake's P.O.V

"So George, do you know any place where I could get a decent job with a decent pay?" I ask my blonde best friend.

"No, but I'm sure there's a job for you there somewhere. Is there a specific job you want? I might know some." George asks. I smile at him gratefully and tell him that I'd love to work at a coffee shop or some sort, but I'd also like to try and apply at a company.

"Hm... I know a company. But you'll need to ask help from Reece with this one. It's a bit... scary." George bites his lip nervously.

"You're scaring me too. What company is that?" I ask, already scared for my well-being.

"It's— actually, I'm not entirely sure. I heard that the CEO is actually our age."


"Yup." George nods.

No. Fucking. Way.

"The CEO is Reece's cousin's best friend... she's also Reece's ex; the one he refuses to talk about."

"Ahh. The London girl, right? That's what he calls her." I chuckles.

The lass was born and raised in London and her family's one of the richest people in the country. She somehow became best friends with Reece's cousin and then met Reece. They dated for quite a while and they seemed to be really, genuinely, happy together. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. They broke up after nearly 3 years of dating. George and I don't know who broke up with who (mainly because Reece won't tell us), but he kept saying that it involved: a party, rich friends, living in France for a year, and moving too fast. Up to this day, he still won't tell us. He's still hurt and sad and he wants to come back to her. However, she never dates the same men twice after that one time she did. It was her first and last time doing that. I guess she was traumatized. She really did love Reece, though. She's also really kind and treats us to lunch and dinner before even without Reece (if he's not available).

"Yeah, her. I miss her. She was my best friend too." George pouts.

"Anyway, I'll ask Reece if he can help me... or I'll ask his cousin OR I'll ask him then he can ask his cousin if his cousin could help me!" I smile at my brilliant plan.

"To be honest, I got lost at the 'cousin' part." George shyly says.

"Which cousin?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

George rolls his eyes and says, "I don't know. Maybe my cousin, Eleanor."

"Fuck you."

"My crush would love to." George smirks.


I call Reece and wait for him to answer his phone. It usually takes him a second, but he's being too slow now. I desperately need a job.

"Hey mate! Sorry for answering late. What's up?" Reece asks as he answers on the 5th ring.

"Hey, so I need a job. George told me about the London girl's company and I'm so interested. I've never worked at a company before and it would help me loads! Whaddya say, buddy?" I ask, being straightforward.

"Um... okay. I suppose I could help you. I'll take you to her office tomorrow. Make sure your resumé is ready. You also need a valid ID and don't wear a necktie. She hates neckties or any tie in general. She's a hard one to please—"

"And I'm surprised that you dated her, R." I laugh.

"Same. Just be yourself, but sugarcoat some stuff a bit. She may or may not remember you."

"It's only been 4 months since you guys broke up, Reece. I'm sure she stills remembers me." I chuckle.

"Okay, but once she's in her office she won't be the same person. She's different when she isn't in her office that's why I don't call her when she's at work. She's a monster, 'm tellin' you." Reece says.

"I'm sure she's not that bad. Just set me an appointment with her and then I'll see for myself." I tell him."

"Okay, but she'll pretend that she doesn't know you whilst at work. You good with that?" Reece asks.

"Yeah, as long as I hav a job, I'll be fine." I tell him.

"Okay. I'll set you an appointment with her and she'll most likely be expecting you at 8:30AM SHARP. She hates late people. She didn't forgive me when I was late for our date... I was a minute late. She forgave me the next day. I'll pick you up at yours at around 6:45AM."

"That's too early!!" I whine.

"I'll treat you out to breakfast and lunch. George will be coming too, but he'll join us for lunch."

"Fine. Thanks, dude! Good night!"

"No problem. Good night, mate."

I hang up and lay down on my bed with a sigh of relief. I really hope I get the job. Turns out that she needed a secretary, because her previous one is too old and she retired.

I wonder how she'll treat me. I'm excited and scared.

* * * *

A/N: how're you all liking this so far?

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