The Promise

87 11 29

A/N: this chapter is a flashback

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Trevor, it's time to go to Michelle's party. We're gonna be late. Let's go!" I say loudly. I'm currently at Trevor's house. Trevor's been my boyfriend since we were 14 years old and we're 16 now.

It's been a ride, because we've been on and off for months now and it's driving my friends nuts. Honestly? Same. I'm just waiting for the perfect time for him to break up with or vice versa. You might be asking why I didn't break up with him sooner. Well in my defense, I just want a valid reason to break up with him. Not to be mean, but he isn't exactly the brightest tool in the shed.

Anyway, we're going to my best friend's party. All our friends will be there and she told me that her family's there as well. I've decided to look presentable. After all, I'm her best friend. I need to look just as glamorous as she is on her special day. I don't to out shine her and even if I happen to out shine her, it's an accident. It's not my fault that I'm naturally gorgeous.

Just kidding.

Or am I?


"This party sucks, babe." Trevor says, rolling his eyes. We're currently sitting at a table with our other friends and instead of starting a conversation with the other guys, he's been whining. I'm busy talking to the birthday celebrant...or should I say I was. Trevor interrupted me.

"Then go have fun! Stop annoying me!" I annoyingly tell him. Stacy, my best friend aka the birthday girl, nods in agreement.

"Fine!" Trevor says before getting up and leaving.

"Ugh. I hate him so much for you." Stacy says before looking at her polished nails.

"I honestly want to leave him, but so far neither of us have fucked up in this relationship."

"What're you talking about?! You've been on and off dating. That's fucked up enough." Stacy shrieks.

"I know that! But after the last break up, we've been doing good." I tell her. It's true, though. We've been doing alright.

"Are you sure? You might want to turn around." Stacy says as she looks behind me. I turn around in curiosity and my jaw drops. There's Trevor and some bimbo making out in the corner.

I felt sad, yet happy. I'm finally free from this toxic relationship, but I loved the guy. He's a bit of a jerk, but I felt something for him.

"It's going to be okay." Stacy frowns as she looks at me and pats my back. I nod and tell her that I'll be back. She nods and waits for my next move. I go straight to Trevor, tap his shoulder, and I said, "We're done."

Trevor pulls away from his make out session with the bimbo and asks, "For good?"

"Yeah. For good. See ya." I tell him and walk back to Stacy. I was obviously devastated, but it's good to start fresh. It's also good not to worry about someone other than yourself.

This time I promise myself not to date the same guy twice or more. It's a mistake and I don't want it to happen again. I'm done with guys. It's time to think about myself.

"Y/N, it's going to be okay. I can introduce you to my cousin now! He really likes you." Stacy squeals. She then drags me to a different part of the venue and we're standing in front of three good looking lads. Two blondes and one guy with dark brown hair.

I look at Stacy and she looks back at me. At this point, I'm just waiting for her to say something; anything. We looked like complete fools!

"Hi, I'm Reece." a voice says with a thick accent. I look at them and tried to guess who owned the voice. The guy with dark brown hair helped me out by pointing the guy in the middle.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I smile at him and shake his hand.

"Oh," the other blonde starts, "she's the girl you've been talking about non-stop." Reece's face flushes in embarrassment as Blondie McBlonde laughs.

"I'm George Smith and the other guy is Blake Richardson." Blondie smiles. I shake his and Blake's hands and told them that it was a pleasure to meet them.


It's been a month since the party and Reece keeps showing up at my house. Stacy was right, he really did like me. I, however, had to keep my ground. I have to admit; I was being really cold towards him just to test him. But so far, he's been a really genuine and kind person and I felt really bad. If he wants to earn my trust, then he has to work hard for it.

And it worked. He asked me to be his girlfriend days before my 17th birthday and I said yes. He's a great guy and he's really kind. He didn't care about money or my palace-sized house. He only cared about me and things that make me happy.

He's truly a remarkable guy.

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