✨ 1K ✨

51 2 0

Hello everyone!!

I know I updated this book 2 hours ago and I know I posted a status on my profile, but that's not enough. I've decided to write a little author's note for this little milestone that this book has accomplished.

First and foremost, I want to thank the people who have been supporting me and who have been reading everything that I've written ever since I started in 2014. If y'all are still here, y'all are the OG and I couldn't have done it without you guys. If y'all are new, thank you too, because you've been a part of this writing journey. I love each and every single one of you; new readers or not.

Second, I want to thank my internet besties for being so supportive and loving. You guys kept me going when nothing else seemed to push me to do something worthwhile. This 1k mark is also for all of you, because you've been here for me when I started this book and I hope you'll be here until the end of it. Not only that; this 1k mark is a big thank you to y'all. I honestly never thought this book would reach 1k because I didn't think anyone would be interested in it. But I guess I was wrong. Also, thank you to my ibfs who have read EVERY FANFIC I've written; I hope y'all are enjoying it. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

Third, I want to thank the friends who aren't close with me anymore, the friends who I don't talk to anymore, the friends who made me feel that our friendship is one-sided and the friends who just disappeared. Thanks to you, I was able to update the previous chapter. It was a big inspiration and it's my favorite chapter. To you guys who have made me feel the one-sided friendship and support? I genuinely hope that you're happy with where you are right now. I'd say "even without me in it", but you never saw me as your friend and I was never in it in the first place x

Thanks for the fallout. I know that life isn't always going to be sunshines and rainbows and that there's always going to be rain. You guys are the rain that made me achieve a sunny day.

I still love you all x

Fourth, I want to thank my irl friends for being supportive of what I do even though they don't quite understand it. You guys are the realist and I'll cheer the loudest for you guys when no one else would. You're all special to me and you all hold a special place in my heart. Also, thank you for suggesting some plot ideas. It came in handy and this is our prize. I'm sharing this milestone with all of you, because y'all are part of my life and part of the book as well; y'all helped. I love you all so much; to the moon and back.

Last but not the least, I want to thank the Father Almighty. Without Him I won't be here to write and I won't exist. He's the reason why I've been thinking of different ideas for fan fictions to write. He gave me my mind and talents. God, thank you so much for being my anchor when everything in my life is unsteady. Thank you for keeping me grounded and for showing me that the little things in life are the most precious ones to have. I love you even though I know I don't show it as much, but I really do. I really really do.

Words from the Oxford dictionary cannot express how blithe I am to be given two blessings for this book. It's running for Wattys 2019 and it just hit 1k reads. I have a prodigious amount of love and thanks.

See you on the next chapter.

mrsdracofelton ✨

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