Thomas Jefferson X Hamilton!Reader - What Did I Do Wrong

781 13 8

Female Reader
Modern/High School AU
Trigger Warnings: A bit of swearing and some bullying
Prompt: 38. "What did I do wrong"
Requested by: No one
(^^Also amazing Jeffmads up there ^^)

— (Y/n's) POV —

I had known Thomas for a while now and I had been developing feelings ever since but for some reason he hates me. Even though I did nothing to him. It may be because I'm Alexander's sister but there has to be more to it than just that. If that's just it then it's fucking stupid.

Alexander was aware of my crush and even though he hated the man, he was still supportive and tried hard to help. He even told James about it (which I was completely okay with) so maybe he could change Thomas' opinion of me, but day after day I continued to get the same insults from him and nothing changed. James said he did like me, he just didn't know how to show it. Ha. Yeah right.


It was near the end of class and I was ready to tell Thomas how I felt about him. Through out the whole day my heart was beating out of my chest, I would stutter with each word and I was barely able to form normal sentences. Let's just say, I was a mess. The bell was so close to sounding and I hadn't even been paying attention, I was staring at Thomas the whole time.

The bell finally went off and I swiftly moved towards Thomas. As everyone was leaving I grabbed Thomas' arm stopping him in his tracks. He turns and looks at me while I'm looking up at him. He groans and puts all of his stuff down.
"What do you want, Hamilbitch" the name made me quiver and I started to think this was a bad idea, but screw it.
"I-I need to t-tell you so-something" I stutter out while my growing red.
"And what is that?" he asks growing a bit annoyed.
"I-I-" he interrupts me.
"If this is gonna take long can it wait, I have important things to do" he states bluntly.
"I-I'm trying okay" I start to feel embarrassed.
"Then try harder" he states bluntly once again.
"F-Fine.... T-Thomas?"
"I-I like- n-no- love you" my face was practically on fire.
I looked up at his face and see he's a bit taken back with a small blush spread across his cheeks. Then his face hardens while a smirk grows on his face and he starts to laugh.
"Oh if only someone loved you" he wipes a tear away from his eye.
I feel tears brim my eyes and I tears start to pour out. He looks at me a bit shocked to see me crying.
"Are yo-"
"What did I do to you!?" I yell at him and he seems taken back.
"E-Excuse m-" I interrupt him again.
"All I've been is nice to you and you just treat me like I'm a worthless piece of trash! When I've done nothing wrong!!" I continue to yell as tears keep running down.
"(Y-Y/n) I-" before he could even finish I was running out of the room with a sob escaping every step.

While running I wasn't watching where I was going and ended up bumping into my brother and James. I fall to the ground and look up at James and Alexander's shocked expressions.
They quickly help me off the floor.
"Oh my god, (Y/n) what happened?" Alex asked beyond worried.
"I-I-" I try forming a sentence but too many tears are coming out for me to say anything.
That's when I noticed him running down the hallway straight towards me. I didn't want to face him so I pushed passed Alexander and James and continued to run. I ignored them calling my name, I pushed past everyone who stood in my way. I didn't want to be here anymore.

— Thomas' POV —

"(Y-Y/n) I-" before I could finish she ran out of the room while tears streamed down her face.

I can't believe I did this to her. She no doubt hates me now. Curse me and my feelings. WHY ARE FEELINGS SO HARD TO CONVEY!!!

After a few seconds of me scolding myself, I started to run after her. Thankfully for me, she had bumped into Hamilton and James who were questioning her. I tried to catch up, but she noticed me coming. She then pushed past Hamilton and James and kept running. I cursed under my breath about to run past the two but I'm stopped by Hamilton.
"What did you do" Hamilton asked me, his voice filled with anger.
"I did something stupid" I answer trying to get past.
He laughs. "When have you not but I want to know exactly what you did to my sister."
"Hamilton it was a mistake-" he interrupts me.
I notice James' shock at Hamilton's outburst, but I just give Hamilton a quick nod and continue to run after (Y/n).

~ Time skip brought to you by Thomas' floofy floof ~

— (Y/n's) POV —

It felt like I had been running forever when I finally stopped under a tree and continued to cry. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest.
"W-Was I not good enough for h-him? M-maybe I did something wrong a-and I just didn't know" I stutter out to myself.
I sigh. "I-It doesn't matter anyway- I mean why did I think I had a chance with Thomas Jefferson.... he's obviously better than me."
"Now that's not true" I hear a southern accent say.
I already knew who it was, so I put my head in my knees.
"Come on don't be like that (Y/n)" he tries to lighten the mood.
"I-I'm just waiting for you to call me pathetic for crying over something that would never happen... I-I mean why would you want to be with me..." I sniff as tears continue to pour out of my eyes.
"(Y/n)...." he sighs and takes a seat next to me.
He lifts my head up gently and makes me look at him, I can't help but feel my face heat up.
"W-What are you-" he puts his finger over my mouth stopping me from speaking.
"Shh... I need you to listen to me ok? I know I messed up but I need you to hear me out" he places his hands on cheeks as tears continue to flow.
"Listen what I said before.... i-it wasn't true..."
"W-What? W-Wait no- you're lying to me-"
"I'm not (Y/n) it's the honest truth- I-I'm just so shit at showing my feeling that I decided to be hurtful..... b-but I had no idea my words hurt you so much.... I'm so sorry about everything..." tears started to gather in his eyes.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life... you are smart and beyond incredible and I wish I could've told you sooner" I don't think either of us had realised how close we were.
We slowly closed the gap between the two of us and we both melt into a kiss.


Word Count: 1213

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