Jamilton X Reader - Why You!?! [1]

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— (Y/n's) POV —

We had been put in a different room not to disturb the president but I bet he could probably still hear us anyway.
"You don't even have a plan!" Hamilton yelled slamming his hands on the table.
"We don't need one the people can figure things out themselves" Jefferson says back standing up from his seat.
I sigh these are some of the times I wish Madison was here.
"Can you both just stop and agree for once this is getting old, we've been at this for months" I say slightly annoyed.
"I'd like to see you come with a plan (L/n)" Hamilton and Jefferson shot at me.
An angry expression grows on my face as I rise from my seat and glare at the men.
"I would've came up with a plan to resolve all of this madness that you two can't decide on but sadly that isn't my place to decide" I say venom dripping from voice.
"It's yours" I shoot.
They glare at me and next thing I know we were all yelling at each other for who knows what.
"I'd like to see you try to do what I do" Hamilton says.
"Please you just move our money around it isn't that hard" I say back.
"Ha! And you're saying your job is harder all you do is take notes during our meetings and debates. Speaking of which, why are you even talking? We don't need your input." Jefferson glares at me.
"Because I'm the only one here who has a brain and commonsense Jeffershit" I glare back at him.
I see his face grow with rage and he throws a punch at me. He gets me in the stomach and I back up be the impact, I hold where he hit me.
"You little shit" I say running towards him and kicking him in the leg.
He winces and glares at me. Hamilton was laughing his ass off as both Jefferson and I turn and glare at the small man. He stops laughing as we go towards him and shove him to the floor. He quickly reacts grabbing both of our arms dragging the two of us down with him. As we fell on top of him a bright light shines and next thing I know I'm out like a light.


Word Count: 390

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