John Laurens X Reader - Stars

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Male Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol/ people being drunk
Prompt: 22. "Let's have another round!"
42. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!"
Requested by: No One

— John's POV —

I let out a sigh as I watched all my friends get drunk off their asses, including my long time crush, (Y/n) (L/n).
He's so gorgeous, even when he's so drunk he can't stand.
"Let's have another round!" Hercules yelled which followed by people cheering.
I chuckled lightly as I took another sip of my drink, I could already imagine everyone's hangovers.

"Heeey Johnny~" I heard (Y/n) slur as he walked up to me.
Oh god, this should be good.
"Hey (N/n), what's up?" I asked as I held back my laugh.
"Oh I'm greeaat, how is my favourite man doing?" He asked as he leaned on me.
I blushed at his statement, he always made me so flustered when he compliments me.
I giggled quietly, "I'm doing good too."
"That's good..." he muttered before sitting on my lap and snuggling into my chest, "you're so warm.."
I began to go red, "I-I... thanks?"
"Aww you're going all red!" He giggled as he placed a hand on my cheek.
I wanted to look away and hide my red face but (Y/n's) hand was firm which kept me from looking away.
He was staring at my face, almost like he was studying it.
He started to giggle and he placed another hand on my face, "you have stars on your face~"
I laughed awkwardly, "t-those are my freckles (Y-Y/n)..."
"Hmm... no they're stars" he gasped, "do you have more?!"
"F-Freckles? Y-Yeah I do..."
"Can I see!" He yelled.
"I-I can't show you them! I-I'd have to take my shirt off..." I mumbled the last part.
(Y/n) still heard me and slowly grabbed the bottom of my shirt, lifting up slightly.
I quickly put it down, "(Y-Y/n)!!"
He started to laugh at my reaction, "come ooonnn~ I wanna see theeem."
He went to do it again but I quickly stopped him, "alright that's it! We're going home!"
"Aww Johnny noooo..."
"No complaining! Come on to the car now!"

~ Time Skip brought to you by John's stars ~

I was finally able to get everyone to bed, well almost everyone.
(Y/n) was still awake, barely standing but awake.
"Jooooohnnnny~" He giggled leaning on me.
"What is it (Y/n)?"
"W-What do your stars taste like?" he asked as his fingers traced my chest.
I went red once again, "y-you will never get to know..."
Tears began to build up in his eyes, "b-but I wanna."
"(Y/n)! You're drunk... I-I don't want..." I groaned as I fell back on my bed.
"W-What? I-Is it because I'm a man? Are you not gay?"
"No! No! I am! That isn't the problem, the problem is your drunk and don't know what you're doing..." I muttered.

He pouted while looking at me and laying down beside me, "do you love me Johnny?"
"Of course I do!! God you're one of the most amazing man I've ever met in my life but I'm so scared to tell you how I feel that I don't!" I quickly covered my mouth, "f-fuck..."
The two of us just stared at each other as my face slowly went red.
"I-I-" I tried to speak but I could barely make out any words.
Next thing I knew (Y/n) had forced me into a kiss, "I love you Johnny...."
"I-I.." I sighed, "I love you too..."
He smiled and pulled me into another kiss, one I happily returned. Though it soon became a bit heated so I pulled away.
"Come on time for bed.." I muttered looking up at him.
(Y/n) bit his lip, "could you stay with me?"
I let out a sigh, "sure (N/n)..."
So I ended up falling asleep next to (Y/n), let's just say the morning was a bit awkward. I did get a boyfriend out of it though.


Word count: 661

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