Elizabeth Schuyler X Reader - Satisfied

513 8 2

Female Reader
Modern/College AU
Prompt: 71. "Because I love you *insert name here*....."
Requested by: No one
(^^Also Marliza shippers where you at?!)

— (Y/n's) POV —

Today is just great. My friends were partying and getting drunk out of their minds while I was standing in the corner holding a generic red cup with (f/d) in it. I stared at Eliza, the girl I've been with for who knows how long, dance around with her sisters.
I sigh as my face flushes. If only she knew...
I take a sip of my drink when I notice the sisters making their way towards me. I felt my face heating up as I watched Eliza, her hips swaying in her skin tight dress. It hugged her body so well, showing every curve and showing that little bit of cleavage that I just wanted to make her mine right then and there.
"Hey (N/n)!" Peggy shouts.
I laugh, "hey Pegs, how have you guys been enjoying the party?"
"It's been great honestly, but I feel like all the dudes have been watching us" Eliza says slightly embarrassed.
"Well who wouldn't be watching you, you're gorgeous" I smile.
Her face flushed and soon my turns bright red when I realise what I said.
"I-I mean- y-you're all gorgeous- y-yeah... all of you.." I look down in embarrassment.
Stupid words!!!!
Angelica looks at Peggy then back at me and Eliza.
"Right..." I could hear her smirk, I don't know how but it did.
I start to get nervous when I look back up and see Peggy also smirking.
"Hey (N/n), can we talk to you privately for a second?" Peggy asks smugly.
"Uhhh-" before I can even answer both Peggy and Angelica are dragging me away Eliza.
The two girls stop when we're in a different room and the girls pin me to the wall (*inner gayness intensifies*).
"S-sooooo......" I try to ease the tension but I just grow more nervous.
"Do you like Eliza?" Angelica asks smugly which leads to my face going a bright blood red.
Peggy let's out a squeal of excitement, "I knew it! You totally do!!!"
I awkwardly laugh while scratching the back of my neck also awkwardly (jeez you're just awkward aren't you reader- then again I probably would be too if these two girl were in front of me).
"Y-Yeah I do b-but why does it matter, it's not like she likes me back...... I don't even think she's gay to be honest....." I mumble looking down.
"Oh don't be ridiculous (Y/n), I'm sure she loves you just as much as you love her" Peggy lifts my head up and smiles at me.
I slightly smile back, "so what should I do?"
"Well obviously you need to tell her- oh my god you should tell her right now!!" Peggy yells.
"N-now? No way- bad idea I can't do it now!" I say obviously freaking out.
"Oh come on- here I'll help you" she grabs my arms and starts to drag me out of the room.
"N-no wait Peggy-"
It was too late to stop her now, we were already making our way towards Eliza. My heart beat is racing as we drew closer to Eliza, but my heart slowed down and stop when I saw her with Alexander Hamilton. She had her arms draped around his neck as she tried to be seductive while Alexander just looked slightly confused and uncomfortable.
Both me and Peggy stop and she turns back to look at me.
"Oh (Y/n) I'm so sorry..." Peggy says apologetically.
I could feel tears building up in my eyes, "i-it's fine... I-I think I just need some fresh air."
With that, I quickly rushed out of the house to cry out the front.


— Eliza's POV —

(Y/n) had just been dragged away by Angelica and Peggy, leaving me by myself.
I let out a sigh as lean on the corner (Y/n) was once leaning on and I take a sip of my drink.
"Hey Eliza!" I hear some yell.
I look up and see two good friends of mine, Maria and Theodosia.
"Oh hey girls!" I smile at them.
"Girl you be seeing these good looking men around here- because damn!! Some of these boys be fiiiinnee" Maria praises the men as she checks out the men around us (Ok this is not how I usually portray Maria it's just for the story. Ok? Ok).
"They may be good looking but most of them are play boys. I swear some of them were undressing me with their eyes" I explain.
"Yeah totally but there's only one man on my mind and I'll be loyal to him only" Theodosia smiles looking over at Aaron and his two friends.
"What about you Eliza any fine man caught your interest?" Maria asked wrapping an arm around me.
When she asked that question my mind immediately wondered to (Y/n), the girl I wish to call mine but I know she'll never like me back. That thought always made me sad but I try not to show it.
"Hehe not really Maria, I haven't been checking out the guys around here" I chuckle nervously.
She suddenly gasps dramatically.
"Girl we gotta find you a man for you to at least hook up with or something" she says starting to look around.
I start to feel a bit uncomfortable. I didn't want to hook up with anyone except for (Y/n), then again I was never gonna get her maybe this is worth a shot.
"Oh Alexander Hamilton! He's perfect for you" she points over at the short, slightly tanned, long haired man.
"O-ok sure... I'll talk to him now" I start to go towards him but Maria quickly grabs my arm.
"Be seductive~ he won't want to go to bed with you if you don't show off your goods" she winks referring to the little cleavage I was showing and makes me show more.
That causes me to blush and I slowly nod then I start to make my way to Alexander, nervous as hell.

— Alexander POV —

I was talking to my boyfriend, John, and our two friends, Hercules and Lafayette, when Eliza Schuyler comes up to me.
"Hey~" she winks at me.
I look at John awkwardly and he looks just as awkward and confused. I feel Eliza hand on my face as she makes me face her, there was this look in her eyes, I don't think she wants to do this.
"So does a fine man like your self have any plans for the rest of the night?" she asks draping her arms around my neck.
"Umm...." My eyes start to drift away from her when I see Peggy and.... I'm pretty sure her name is (Y/n), looking over at us both having a shocked expression. Hell (Y/n) looked heart broken...... oh no.
I turn back to face Eliza as she smirks at me and puts her hand up my shirt, feeling me up. I start to blush a bit getting nervous. I look back over at Peggy and (Y/n), but (Y/n) had just ran out. I look over at my John, Herc and Laf as they stand there uncomfortable, except for John he looked down right pissed.
"Eliza...." I grab her arm and remove it from my body.
She looks at me confused, while purposely showed off her cleavage to me.
"Yes?" She asked innocently fluttering her eyelashes.
"What are you trying to do?" I ask her.
"Oh I'm not-"
"This isn't you, you wouldn't do this" I explain.
"And you know I have a boyfriend right?"
As soon as I said that she immediately backed up and John wrapped an arm around my hip.
"I-I'm so sorry" she apologises looking down.
"It's fine but do mind telling us why decided to feel up my man" John asked tightening the grip on my hip.
"I-I was trying to get my mind off someone... you see there's this girl I like and I just know she would never like me back so to get my mind off her I was gonna hook up with Alexander.... again I'm so sorry" she apologises again.
I stop and think for a second.
"That girl you like wouldn't happen to be (Y/n) would it?" I ask curious.
She turns bright red and nods.
"Well as you were trying to seduce me, (Y/n) happened to see and ended up running out crying" I sat to her.
The colour immediately drains from her face.
"O-oh no..."
I nod my head, "you may want to go see her."
She quickly nods her head and runs out.

— Back To Your POV —

I was silently crying to myself outside when I hear someone walk out.
"(Y/n)?" I knew that voice, it was Eliza.
I quickly try to clean up my tears, "h-hey Liz... how was your time with Alexander."
She sits next to me, "... it was something"
I scoot a bit away from her while looking at the ground.
"Are you alright?" She asked worried.
"No not really... I just saw my best friend trying to hit on some guy.... why wouldn't I be fine...." I feel tears build up in my eyes.
"Oh.... well if I'm just your best friend why does it matter" she says slightly sad.
I look up at her, she was looking down in disappointment.
I let out a sigh and place a hand on her cheek and make her look at me.
"Because I love you Eliza..." and with that i pull her into a tender kiss.
I could tell she was surprised but I was surprised when I feel her kiss back.
After what felt like a minute we both pull away breathing heavily.
"I love you too (N/n)" Eliza says while some tears slip out.
I wipe them away while a small smile creeps onto my face and I pull her into another amazing kiss.


Word Count: 1666

Bro this took a lot longer than I thought it would and it ended up being a lot longer.
I got another one though coming up hopefully won't take as long since I've already started writing it.

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